Pargu town

Pargu town was founded five years after the peace treaty was made between the Army of the United Nations and Tribes of Ganu. The bear-segai tribe moved back to the Shufharz Mountains, where they hunted.
Because of the nearby garrisons, the tribe's village developed faster, and soon a nice town built up on the bare rocks. The settlement played a prominent role in trade and diplomacy between the AUN's Ravac and Harmorgar keeps. It lies near the only known passage to Mogeth. When the trust between the locals and foreign soldiers solidified, the peacekeepers learned that the Segai tribe has a healthy sense of humor and to have community events between the hunts. Soon, the soldiers on rest started visiting the town, until they became regulars here.
Pargu has four parts: Oldtown, Uppertown, Lowtown, and the Fort. It has log walls all around the houses and pens with watchtowers and guards. It has two gates, one in Uppertown and another in Lowtown. There is a large orchard outside the walls, the tribe's property. The streets and roads are not paved, and four communal wells provide drinking water.
The Fort is where the chieftain, Urag Shagar fortified, three-story house stands. Around it stand all the better shops and market stalls. A small shrine of Vangrakath is located on the border of the Fort and the Oldtown.
The Oldtown is the oldest part of the settlement. Its residents are the aged Hunters, and it looks poorly. Many foreigners visit this part of the town because a cheap tavern (Old Hunter) and a brothel (Wonderland) stand between the small wooden houses. The home of the local shaman (the priest and healer of the town) and a shabby general store (Good Cargo) accept all kinds of coins in exchange for goods and services.
The Uppertown was built on the higher level, on the mountain site. It has nice craft workshops and shops, as the locals process their prey and farm animals, making flatbread and sweets. Not far from the log walls, warehouses and granaries line up.
The Lowtown was built on the other side of the settlement. It has a good inn (Hunter's Home), and nice houses all around. There is a graveyard not far from the gates of the district. AUN soldiers were buried there.
The population of Pargu is more colorful than most parts of Ganu. Some AUN veterans choose to live here, open shops, or join in the taverns. Besides the Segaii, Mystic elves, Humans, and Giants live here.
The town and the chieftains always had a strong sense of justice. Hunters of the tribe keep the peace all around, and the chieftain rules over everyone. Urag is a strong leader with good humor and fairness by foreign standards.
Pargu supplies venison and leather goods to the AUN keeps, and buys cereal from them. The Shadgar tribe makes good mead from wild honey, famous in Ganu and Mogeth.
2500 free folk and approx. 300 slaves
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Pargu town

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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