Shrine of the Dragon Goddess - Vrikdarok

There are only a handful of foreign buildings in Vrikdarok. The two largest ones are the Guildhall of the Ganu Foreign Trade Office and the shrine of the Dragon Goddess.
The shrine is a two-story tall building, made from stone and painted white. Like most of the religion's churches, it has narrow but tall, colorful windows, and the light o makes the plain interior of the building beautiful. The roof has wooden shingles, like most of the buildings in the city. It has a round layout, like a yurt or tower, and a smaller platform where the altar and the Dragon Goddess' large statue stand. The door is a tall wooden door with beautiful dragon carvings.
The church has no other furniture, the followers usually stand or kneel on the light-colored stone floor. For the longer ceremonies and holidays, they can bring their cushions or prayer mats for more comfort.
Two servants of the Goddess live here. The Lightdragon priestress Mienith and the Icedragon Bilzany.
The High priestess takes care of the visiting faithful in the shrine, welcomes everybody, and reminds them of the rules of the holy house if needed. She conducts mass, leads the sacred rituals and holidays, heals, and protects those who come for help to the doorstep. Additionally, she teaches Sheyarin Language to the high-ranking Segaii and their cubs, but never leaves the shrine, so they need to visit her there.
The priest spends his days walking around the city, reminding the Segaii that the Dragon Goddess unconditionally loves all. He distributes food, water, and all the things the poorest need. The High chieftain forbade him so he can't speak with any slaves and cubs, but all chieftains liked his visits to their districts and homes, welcomed his healing abilities, and often used his wisdom to solve actual issues.
In the last century, many diplomats, pilgrims, and knights visited this faraway place of devotion. Some of them stayed for days, others even years. The Church has only a handful of local followers, but because of the great service they grant to the city and the chieftains, they have enough support to fulfill their duties.
by Lia Felis (Paint)

Room, Religious, Shrine
Tartalmazó Terület
Birtokló Szervezet

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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