Sweet ooze

This casual-looking greenish ooze creature lives in deep, dry caves and ruins.
It has an opalescent, green-gray, or yellow-lime color.
Sweet ooze, like most similar creatures, is feasting on organic things that come in its way. Any dead body, plant, textile, leather, or other remains can be great food sources for them.
They move senselessly from wall to wall, stopping if found something digestible. They don't attack moving things and aren't lured by light or sound. Only defends itself by burping sweet goo on the attackers. They mostly have unpleasant encounters with adventurers, it the ooze finds its way into their camp.
If sliced, it duplicates itself and heals while digesting, even if it moves at the same time. Sweet oozes have a sticky surface, they can move not just on the floor, but on the walls and ceilings too. They usually keep their cube-like shape, only deforming when squeezing themselves through smaller crevices.
When the Bugits found the sweet oozes in the deep, as they like the same environment for their lairs, they started collecting them and eating the sweet jelly and goo that they produced. Other folks take them as culinary specialties too, even so nowadays they are rare.
Sometimes rulers and wealthy clients pay or hire adventurers to get a creature for them, as a rarity for their party or event.
Sweet oozes' lives are boring. Eating, growing and healing, moving, and starting all again. If they don't find any edible thing for a week, they start shrinking. They only die, when they reach a 10x10 cm size, when they fall apart/melt to a sweet puddle.
They only reproduce by multiplying. Once a creature reaches the 1.5-meter diameter, it will fall apart into 30-50 cm diameter large, smaller creatures. If their habitat is rich in organic things, they can grow and multiply again.

Átlagos Magasság
1-1,5 m
Átlagos Súly
1 ton

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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