Tanika Unsee Character in Evera | World Anvil

Tanika Unsee

Tanika was born in a smaller cockroach-bugit tribe in the jungle of Dura. Her tribe lived deep in the Grazob Mountains' cave systems, hunting and foraging always in the deep.
Tanika and her brother, Frold, found a ruined gate with strange marks on it. Her brother said that they were ancient, and probably hiding treasure, so the two secretly returned to the deep and dug out the collapsed gate. On the other side, a long stair descended into a burial chamber. The room's floor, walls, and ceiling were carved with draconic characters and more runes. A single stone sarcophagus was in the center of the chamber, lowered into the ground up to its cover. The lid was studded with jewels and had silver ornaments too. The siblings threw stones at the top, but nothing happened, so they opened the sarcophagus.
A curious creature remains lying there. It was tall but curled up and its skull still had the strange horns. There were three possessions besides the skeleton. A bone dagger with a rune on its hilt, a silver amulet with a plant-like carving, and a small leather satchel with colorful, but ordinary stones. Her brother kept the dagger for himself. She put on the amulet. They brought the pouch to the Shrine of Jurkirud, so the Greey weren't angered because they kept some of the findings. They also went back from time to time, to collect the jewels from the sarcophagus, and give it to the god.
The siblings had the feeling, that Jurkirud started liking them. A few mating cycles later Frold defeated the chieftain in a duel and became the new ruler of the tribe. Soon after Tanika began hearing whispers of someone, she believed it was Jurkirud himself. She started learning from the elders to be a shaman of her tribe. But the secrets and rituals that she learned from the whispering voice were different from the tribe's customs. To be free from the prying eyes, she went down again and again into the chamber, until she started calling it her home. Frold and Tanika ruled their tribe with strong hands. The dagger never missed its target and the woman's magic was stronger than all the shamans of the tribe's history.
One day adventurers found the tribe's den. Tanika was in her deep home, but Frold fought hard until the big ones disarmed him. Then his power faded, and he fell with all the tribe. The adventurers looted the tribe's home and Jurkirud's shrine and even took the dagger. Two days later Tanika came to visit her brother, but she only found the dead left behind. Her anger was greater than her grief. Suddenly, all the corpses started moving slowly, as she unintentionally resurrected them. She was never on the surface and never left the cave since. The whispers told her how to bind her soul to the amulet, and she became a lich.
If anybody enters the deep, her undead tribe captures them, so she can kill them and resurrect them into her family (as she calls the zombies under her control). She will only find peace if her brother's dagger returns to her.
Tanika is strong but went crazy from the loneliness, grief, and voices in her head. She speaks the Beast language and some bits of Sylvan. It's difficult to convince her of a peaceful solution, but it is not impossible. Her dark amulet comes from a powerful and evil Satyr, who planted his consciousness in it. The medal's whispers are his thoughts.
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Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
Character Portrait image: Tanika Unsee by A.I. (OpenArt DnD)


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