
Wind-dragons or Storm-dragons, Evera's mysterious protectors.

Naming Traditions

Egyéb nevek

The names are usually in Sheyarin Language and have a meaning (Blue Sky, Cold Winter, Dream Bringer, etc.).


Főbb nyelvcsoportok és nyelvjárások

They speak Sheyarin and quite a few other languages as well.

Általános technológiai szint

Tempest-dragons are at a higher technological level than Dwarves. They form structures that work with extremely sophisticated gears. Their magic is of a higher level than Elves. Accordingly, they are also capable of other, more powerful spells.

Általános Öltözködési szokások

Tempest-dragons in humanoid form prefer white or cream-colored clothing. They usually wear the clothes of the people they are visiting.

Születési és keresztelő rítusok

Tempest-dragon hatchlings are mostly raised with their siblings. Siblings hatch in the same nest and are usually not related by blood. They choose their own name when they reach young adulthood. Until then, they have a nickname.

Felnőtté válási rítusok

A young adult dragon's very first "adult" act is to visit a nearby humanoid community and gain experience of the everyday life of mortals. He lives with them for a while before returning home. Sometimes, however, the desire for knowledge prevails and the dragons migrate from one community to another to learn from the peoples who live there.

Temetési és megemlékezési rítusok

Tempest-dragons are extremely long-lived, but not indestructible. Most of them die far from home, they are buried by the current community, commensurate with their customs and merits.
Those dragons that perish at the hands of evil while protecting the home are usually cremated and released on their last journey in a storm.

Általános tabuk

In the eyes of tempest-dragons, life is sacred, and they would never extinguish a life without a compelling reason.

Általános mítoszok és legendák

According to legend, the Dragon Goddess created the proud race of tempest-dragons to guard the eastern regions of the continent from evil (Ganu was an icy plain at the beginning of time).



Light colors and fine lines are preferred.

Nemi ideák

Both men and women are skilled fighters, excellent mages, and sophisticated artists. There is no difference in their opportunities or in their judgment among their own kind.

Udvarlási szokások

They are characterized by nobility in all areas. They are kindhearted, sophisticated, and appreciate knowledge and the arts.

Kapcsolati szokások

They are not monogamous, but they are very selective when it comes to relationships. They prefer to be alone for most of their lives rather than being attached to one person. The mating relationship usually begins with courtship and ends before the arrival of the unborn hatchling/child.
Related Locations
Original version: ENTRY FOR WORLDBUILDING SUMMER CAMP 2020; Answering: "Describe a counter-culture in your world, something outside the mainstream culture of the place."

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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