The last cubs of the Nash tribe

At the end of the utean Fthid Era, after General Irdan ShuThur won the duel over High-Chieftain Borkul Nash near today's Mulush village, he learned that if he killed him as tradition he would be the new leader of the Segaii. The General didn't want this position, so captured the defeated enemy, and started back to Mogeth with him. This somewhat confused the locals, because the Segaii don't take prisoners, only slaves. Some Wrug assassins sneaked into the Army of the United Nations military camp in the Bor and killed Borkul in his tent.
In the meantime, the other four chieftains of Vrikdarok - the leaders of the Kagan, Lazgar, Ogol, and Ughat tribes - had a war council and named Yatur Ogol to the new High-Chieftain. Since Borkul's tribe called them traitors, to prevent a civil war, the four tribes attacked the mourning eagle-segaii.
Although the war never reached the city, blood flowed for days on Vrikdarok's streets. The fight only stopped when the last Nash fell. The other tribes that fled to the capital watched the events helplessly. The massacre is a well-known fact but no one wants to talk about it. However, another story is fondly mentioned.
Some Segaii claim that not all the eagles are dead. Legend says that nobody saw the corpses of the chieftain's cubs or any hatchlings of the Nash tribe. Some say they flew away, others that the wives of Borkul Nash took a boat and fled with the small ones when the General challenged the High-Chieftain and nobody watched.
The legend may be true. The Segaii in Ganu doesn't know, but there are some Nash alive in the Costae Islands. Those folks believe that their ancestors came there from Damus, and never heard the name of Borkul Nash.
High-Chieftain Borkul Nash by A.I. (OpenArt SDXL)
Környezet Dátuma
3E 792

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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Jul 16, 2024 15:14 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the idea that the most likely descendents know nothing about this conflict.

Jul 16, 2024 19:11 by Lia Felis

Thank You!

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.