Zililon Jungle Peacock

This huge type of pheasant can grow up to 1,5 meters high. It is native to the Jungle of Zililon. Although it can be found in the wild, it is one of the most popular farm animals of the Mystic elves. Its colorful feathers are used in many ways and its meat is one of the common ingredients of Zililon cuisine.
The Jungle Peacock's eggs are 15 cm in size, dark purple with white spots. They are not tasty, but smelly. The females lays one or two eggs per lunar month.
Both sex has almost the same colors; the males have long tail feathers, which they can spread like a fan, the females have a bobby, which they can use to distract the predators.
The Jungle Peacock is omnivorous, they eats everything from insects to fruits to cereals, so its usually easy to keep. It's not uncommon for them to be fed with kitchen waste.
The wild specimens serve as prey to the large predators. Domesticated or captive peacocks are kept under mesh domes or in a magical containment field. The ones that are shipped to the other regions of Utea, mainly considered as pets, and their owners cut the wing feathers, if they can't ensure otherwise, that the birds will stay.
As is known, the farthest from their natural habitat living specimens are two pairs of Jungle Peacock in Eaglekeep's Royal Arboretum. They ancestors was brought in at one Egg Festival.
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Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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