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Brotherhood of the Sun

The Brotherhood of the Sun is a Religious Monastic Order which worships the Goddess Sol. Being beyond just a monastic order, the Brotherhood acts also as a military order dedicated to spreading the worship of the Goddess Sol, often through force of arms. The Brotherhood of the Sun is the largest independant militarized organization within the Solaris Imperium.


The Brotherhood of the Sun is a militarized monastic order following in the teachings of Sol under the interprepation of St. Ninnia. As such, it is organized in a militarized manner, with three distinct and separate branches, called 'Orders', each led by a master, which report to none other than the Grandmaster.  

Order of the Blade

The Order of the Blade is the military arm of the Brotherhood of the Sun. Dedicated exclusively to training for battle and warfare. Members of the Order of the Blade often wear plate or half-plate, carry traditional swords and shields and often look more like Knights than anyone else.   The Order of the Blade is directly managed by a Master and then subsequently his lieutenants. The Master will often fight in direct battle and lead his soldiers in warfare.   Current Master: Dionysius Seneca  

Order of the Quill

Researching magic, training mages, developing new ways to fight, and conserving knowledge is all part of the Order of the Quill. The scientific, alchemy arm of the Brotherhood of the Sun, the Order of the Quill doesn't usually fight, though they often train and hone their bodies with extreme discipline. The Order of the Quill will often train mages in the service of Sol, and they will fight alongside the Order of the Blade as support.   Current Master: Sidonia Verrucosis  

Order of the Flame

The Order of the Flame has the goal of being the 'Light' for the world. While the Order of the Blade fights as a Knightly Order, and the Order of the Quill learns and discovers new things, the Order of the Flame spend their liv es secluded in a monastary, studying the word of Sol, training and honing their bodies to perfection, before finally leaving to spread the word of Sol to the world.   The Order of the Flame represenant the more 'traditional' monastic efforts of the Brotherhood of the Sun. Honing body and mind, serving a singular purpose, and dedication.   Current Master: Aristophontes Getha


The Brotherhood of the Sun maintains a very human oriented culture. Even moreso than human, specifically Imperial. Non-Imperial Humans often face, though not as much as non-humans, discrimination of varying levels. Primarily within the Orders of the Blade and Quill, who focus more on 'worldly' matters.  
Worship of Sol
The Worship of Sol permeates every aspect of the Brotherhood of the Sun. Without a doubt, Sol is the central figure within it. Lack of faith is often viewed as a capital offense, with it often being resolved through crucifixion. However if the individual in question appears to be 'saveable', then sometimes they might be sent to one of the extremely distant monastaries to live out their lives in seclusion.  
St. Ninnia
St. Ninnia is the patron saint of the Order. Being an Elyrimian Aasamir who turned to Sol, and was personally executed by the Elyrimian Queen, St. Ninnia is often viewed as a martyr and a rallying cry against the 'Barbarians of the South'.   St. Ninnia during her brief period alive, taught that Sol wasnt just a human Goddess, but a universal one, and that everyone should embrace her. This has led to a somewhat less racist Brotherhood, at least on an administrative level, allowing non-humans to be members and even gain officer positions, however on an individual level, most brothers and sisters harbor deep-seated distrust of Non-Humans.  
As with many other monastic orders, personal connections, whether they be platonic or sexual, are frowned upon deeply. Friendships are often taught as a weakness, with the only real way to gain power and glorify Sol is to steel yourself against relationships.   Sexual relations are also viewed upon as breaking the oath of the order and offenders can find themselves being meted out with a variety of punishments, including crucifixion or exile to a secluded monastary. All members take an oath of celibacy for life.


The Brotherhood of the Sun was originally formed by worshippers of Sol who fled persecution in Laaningard and Elyrim. And upon arrival in the Solaris Imperium, were granted amnesty and given a chance to 'atone' by taking to a nearby mountain range and building a monastary and living out the rest of their lives there.   However not long after seclusion, the Solaris Imperium became overwhelmed with a multitude of threats, and gave an open call for help, a call that was answered by the exiles. Who organized themselves into a new monastic order they called the 'Brotherhood of the Sun'. The Brotherhood helped fight off the threats and were rewarded by being allowed to recruit and build up, becoming a full order.   It didnt last long before the Brotherhood of the Sun became more and more militarized. Eventually forming a variety of different holdings, both in the Solaris Imperium and beyond. Buying up large swaths of land, building a multitude of castles, keeps and forts to house their ever increasing numbers.  
Eastern Campaign
The true debut of the Brotherhood of the Sun came when the Daevirn Reich invaded the Solaris Imperium and defeated the border legions. In response, the Brotherhood of the Sun fought back against the Reich, alone and unsupported, and was victorious. Even establishing a small puppet state in the north for a few years before it was reabsorbed within the Reich.  
Continued Growth
As the Brotherhood of the Sun grew, so did the numbers of traditional citizens of the Solaris Imperium who joined, which led to a culture shift away from the original open acceptance of the Orders founding. Eventually they would lead to the Brotherhood of the Sun becoming nearly identicial to the rest of the Solaris Imperium in how it treats non-humans, with distrust. Though from an administrative level, nothing has changed.

Tenets of Faith

Oath of the Sun
All brothers and sisters must swear by the Oath of the Sun when becoming members. The oath is as follows:  
From light we came, to light we will go; for our Goddess sees our plight and hears our cries.
We shall show no mercy to her enemies; nor submit to carnal desires of any form
For we hold ourselves and each other to a higher standard; a standard that shall not be broken
The torchbearers of Sol we are; lighting the path for a world shrouded in darkness

Dea Nulla Misericordia

Religious, Monastic Order
Brother(Male), Sister(Female)
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species


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