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Castle Deritan


Castle Deritan houses the entirety of the Deritan Host. Castle Deritan has a population of 2,500 vampires, dhampyrs, courtiers, slaves and thralls.   Of the 2,500 individuals, around 100 of which are full blooded vampires, with around 400 Dhampyrs. The remaining 2000 population are a mix of slaves, thralls and non-vampiric servants. The vast majority of which are human. There are a few half-elves, elves, dwarves, halflings and 2 Orcs.


Castle Deritan is a patriarchal Vampire Host under the direct control of Harkuv Deritan, the Host Patriarch.


  The 25 foot high stone walls provide a formidible defensive line around the castle. Being also 15 feet thick around the main section, the walls would require an extremely powerful siege engine to properly break. The walls are topped by an additional 2 balistas which sit atop towers near the two gates.  
  The Castle relies normally on the small number of warrior thralls to keep order among the slaves and defend against incursions. Approxamitely 200 warrior thralls patrol the castle and guard its various sensitive points such as gates and the balistas.   In an emergency, the Deritan Host can call upon a large number of skeletons to rise from nearby cemetaries to defend the castle.  
  Various ships have been docked at Castle Deritan port over the last several thousand years, mostly the vessels are kept as a defense against hostile ships.

Industry & Trade

Castle Deritan has little trade. The only trade usually occurring happens between the other Vampire Hosts of the Black Hills. However on rare occasions, traders from Laaningard or Vitera may pass by, either in distress or being adventurous. Traders possessing rare and unique items of value, are entertained as guests and traded with. Especially if they have contacts with the outside world and can be used to purchase rare materials. Otherwise, the unfortunate souls are enslaved and added to the Vampiric Host.   Piracy is an occassional form of income for the Castle as well.   For Industry, Castle Deritan possess a rather large forge and a trained vampire blacksmith. And to acquire additional raw metals, the mines under the castle are sporadically activated for intermittent bursts.   Food for the Vampires and Dhampyrs is usually acquired by the Thralls and Slaves who live within the Castle. Food for the slaves and thralls is usually taken


Castle Deritan is a massive sprawling keep designed originally to house a staggering 10,000 souls within its walls. However after 3000 years of disrepair, the number it could properly house is closer to about 5,000.  
  Castle Deritan is protected by a large stone wall approxamitely 25 feet high. There are 2 primary gates that act as entrances. Each gate is also protected by a large balista.  
  Inside the walls is a small series of structures. There is a forge and blacksmiths shop, inn, pool and general store along with several permenant residences.  
Main Castle
  The Main Castle is a large sprawling and ancient stone castle with four distinctive towers. The North, North-East, South and West Towers. The West and North-East Towers having collapsed and the North Tower being reserved for the private usage of Harkuv Deritan.   The South Tower houses the direct relatives of the Deritan Family, while additional residences within the body of the castle house various thralls, slaves and other vampires and dhampyrs associated with the Deritan Host.  
  While the dungeon of the castle is still in working condition, much of the lower sections of the castle have fallen into ruin and become the home of feral vampires and dhampyrs, runaway slaves and prisoners trying to survive without being caught and other supernatural and undead beings.  
  Castle Deritan has a harbor a short distance outside the walls. While the harbor at its prime used to be a small port, most of the docks have collapsed. However the main pier which was created out of stone, still remains.  
  Within the Undercastle are a few mining entrances to iron and copper mines which run under the castle and around the cliff the castle sits on. The Mines are erratically utilized, sometimes lying dormant for a hundred years before the need of additional iron and copper becomes necessary and slaves are sent down under to work.
Outpost / Base
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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