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Paladins of Sol

  The Paladins of Sol are a Lawful Evil order of Knights who have the two-fold duty of bringing Order and the worship of Sol across the world.   In the footsteps of their Goddess Sol, the Paladins of Sol have no concept of free will or expression, believing in a universal orderly collective, and pushed forward by desire to spread the worship of Sol to every nation.

Tenets of Faith

The Oath of the Paladins of Sol are as follows;
  I pledge myself here and today, to forever walk under the Guidance of the Sun. I will never speak of the Sun in blasphemous ways, never using her name in vain. Those who insult her forfeit their lives to my blade.   Mercy is a tool of the weak, used by the insignificant to justify their existance. I will never show mercy unless is benefits me, my goals or Sol herself.   The agents of Heaven and Hell restrained the Sun, the crime that can never be forgiven. I will let that hatred guide me to seek vengeance on the followers of those above and those below. However I will not let passion blind me, and will do what I must to spread her word, even if that means suffering the presence of infidels.   I will not however suffer the presence of fools or blasphemors. I will not suffer the liar, nor the crook, I will not submit to cardinal spontaneous lusts, and I will not suffer those who break the law and show no mercy.   There is only one law above the laws of the land, the laws of Sol. I shall always further the glory of the Sun, even if it means breaking order.   I shall never outright lie, never steal, never commit adultry and never covet unless it serves the eternal calling of serving the Sun.   Should I find myself undead, or unnaturally resurrected, I shall mercilessly hunt down and destroy all those who committed this deed, before returning myself to the grave, for the simple existance of an undead is an affront to the Sun.   Sol however is a merciful Goddess, who understands the plight of mortals. I am not expected to be perfect, and should I break my oath, I shall ask for the bathing light of the Sun to wash me whiter than snow, and I may return knowing my sins have been cleansed.   Gloria Soli

The Flames of Order Burn Away the Chaotic

Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Anti-Paladins of Sol, Acolytes of Sol, Flaming Nuts,
Parent Organization


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