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Katriane Greywolf

Lady Katriane Greywolf

Cousin to the previous count of the lands, Katriane first arrived in Everglade one short year ago, on what was meant to be a brief family visit. Staying as a guest in the capital, Katriane had been thrilled to experience life in court. A vibrant landscape of noble houses, intrigue, and salacious gossip had greeted her. It was a far cry from her sheltered upbringing in the Iron Halls, but the thrill was short lived.   Not more than a couple of months went by before misfortune struck. Her cousin found himself deposed as count by his vassals, and her father gravely injured while fighting for the very county that wished to unseat his brother. It seemed the Greywolf name would be left a shadow of it's former self, banished from the county it had once ruled. However, an act of mercy presented itself. Evergreen was offered to Katriane as the next in the Greywolf line, which she gratefully accepted. It was a chance to restore her family's reputation, and so she took up the mantle of Lady Greywolf.   Since her arrival in Blackford, Katriane has done all in her power to help the lands of Evergreen grow and prosper. Settlements have been built, work has begun on an Academy, and with the guidance and good council of those in her court, even the unthinkable threat of a dragon was dealt with.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A slender build, with little in the way of noticeable muscle. What muscle tone she does possess comes from her love of horseback riding.

Body Features

Fair skinned, dappled with beauty marks.

Facial Features

Icy blue eyes that brighten a face otherwise framed by dark, ebony locks. She also possesses full lips, and rather dainty features.

Identifying Characteristics

Her eyes are one of her more notable features, along with her long, jet black hair.

Special abilities

Skilled with magic, it was a talent that lay dormant and untapped in Katriane until recently. The extent of that talent is still coming to light.

Apparel & Accessories

Often seen wearing the deep red of House Greywolf, along with various fine items of jewelry, depending on the occasion.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Katriane was born to Elaine Ironbranch and Godwyn Greywolf, the eldest of three daughters, yet the only one to survive into adulthood. The loss of her two younger sisters hit the family hard, but none more so than Godwyn. A stern and militaristic man, Godwyn was formidable, often intimidating, but his daughters were privy to a different man, one who softened in their presence. With the deaths of her sisters, Katriane found her life more sheltered, and her activities more limited. Sent away to the Iron Halls under the guardianship of her Ironbranch family, with little else to do, Katriane turned to books. The strained relationship between her parents grew more terse, and in turn, distance grew between them and Katriane. Few occasions arose where the family would rejoin together. Brief moments that attempted to capture a normalcy that could never quite return. Eventually, it would be their journey to Everglade that would change the course of Katriane's future, and in turn liberate her from her stifled existence.


Well educated by private tutors, Katriane learned all that was required of a lady of a noble house. Lessons in etiquette, the running of a house, and life in court, to name but a few.


The Lady of Evergreen, Katriane handles the running of her castle and the well being of her people.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her affinity with magic is something that has blossomed quickly, disarmingly so. The more time she has given to exploring the depths of her talent, the further she has found she can push it. While it was the efforts of her guards, advisers, and the many volunteers who took up arms to defend Blackford, Katriane also took to the field to help bring down the dragon threatening Evergreen.

Mental Trauma

The loss of her sisters is something that weighs heavy on Katriane's heart.

Personality Characteristics


To grow as a competent leader, possessing the savvy to do what's needed, along with the benevolence to do what's right. It's always been Katriane's hope that she can make her family proud, honoring both of her sisters through the way she carries herself.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Gardens, flowers, and natural beauty. Music, dance, and stories both written and spoken. The smell of books, the stillness of the dawn, and the freedom of riding her steed at a full gallop with the wind in her hair.   Dislikes Confinement, cynicism, and insincerity. Willful cruelty, and those obsessed with personal gain.


Contacts & Relations

Mother: Elaine Ironbranch Father: Godwyn Greywolf Siblings: Elle Greywolf (Deceased), Chirelle Greywolf (Deceased) Uncle: Vincent Ironbranch Uncle: Godric Greywolf Great Aunt: Endellion Greywolf

Religious Views

Katriane worships the Eight Divines.

Social Aptitude

Reserved in how readily she opens up, Katriane is still confident in her ability to address others.

Hobbies & Pets

Pets Starfall - A black destrier that once belonged to her cousin.   Hobbies Horseback riding, reading, dancing, and honing her magic.

The Lady Katriane has found herself striving to strike a balance between the two sides of herself. The strong leader that her people need her to be, and the young woman she wishes to become.

Current Location
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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Greywolf, Lady Blackford, Lady Evergreen
Date of Birth
Hearth Fire, 20 years ago
High Rock
Current Residence
Blackford castle
Icy blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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