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The divine consolidated power of a realm made into a being meant sustain the plane they hail from. Avatars sometimes are given mortal forms for various reasons. This only proves to be a negative for the subject not the Avatar as it always returns to its home plane when not bound somewhere else.   The Hollowed Gods are made of the history of Evermoores past lives and hold Evermoores power of creation. The power of Creation is not the power of life or death. It is the ultimate power of everything. The Infinite Rebirth and the Ultimate Extinction. The power to Create is not the Power to destroy. Anything destroyed can be rebuilt, destruction is not the ultimate force. Death is apart of the cycle. The cycle is the ultimate force. That is the Power of Creation.   The first Creation was Magi, the essence of everything. Like different colored paint. The Gods needed a canvas and so they created the Dimensions. Three of them. Increasing in power as they go out. The first, the weakest, the “reality” the place of experience and life. The second, stronger and far more sustainable, the Primal, the source of the universes strength, eternal and unstoppable. “Elemental”. The third and the strongest by far, The Far. This is the dimension where the gods put their creations that cause the multiverse to function. Planes of Hell and Dreams. The Well of Souls. The Astral plane that connects Evermoore to the Multiverse, the Pools where the Magi of all places is stored. All of it resides in the 3rd dimension.   The Hollowed Gods are too great of concepts and power to be held in a singular dimension. Instead they permeate the Multiverse. They are split into Avatars. An Avatar is an Infinite source of Magi inside all of the Hollowed Gods creations. There is an Avatar of Each Dimension and Plane. The Avatar of Creation is the name of “Evermoore” and is the only exception to this rule. Avatars are immortal when they are in their plane. An Avatar outside of is home is weakened and in the unfortunate event it is brought to the Material plane it is brought to it's weakest extent and then given mortality and Identity. When they die the Identity is created into a Soul and the Magi of the Avatar moves to another Appropriate vessel until it returns home and returns to it's state of power. Thousands of Avatars

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Cover image: by Joe Kitchen (Ai)


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