Twilight Gyphon Species in Evermyst | World Anvil

Twilight Gyphon

Written by Crafty_Dm

Although Gryphons are commonly found in the more rugged regions of Evermyst Twilight Gryphons can be found along rocky coastlines of Evermsyt this is where they build their Nests. They hunt during Twilight hours when their golden wings glisten like the twilight and blend with the reflections on the top of the waters as the sun sets. They are known to hunt in packs, one often flying high and serving as a distraction while the rest skim the surface of the ocean in Twilight's reflection looking to strike on their prey. They have been known to pluck unwitting Mariners from their ships or attack in a coordinated fashion as to disable a ship's sails.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Gryphons Mate with a single partner for life. Its young are born from egg with an average gestation period of 4 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hatchling (1 year), Young (2-5 years), Young Adult (5-15 Years), Adult (16-75 Years), Old (76-100 Years), Venerable (101+ years)

Ecology and Habitats

Warmer Rocky Coastal Regions are Twilight Gyphons Primary Habitat on Evermyst

Dietary Needs and Habits

Meat and Fish


Instinctively Gryphon are Predatory Hunters

Additional Information

Social Structure

Gryphons have Monogamous relationships but Gather in "Roosts" typically social Families of 2-16 members.


Domestication is Rare usually only through magical means or careful rearing from a young age and extensive training.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Gryphon Feathers and Heart have been know to be used in Magical Practices Gryphon Eggs and Hatchlings are sometimes taken for Domestication.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Warmer coastal regions of Evermyst Typically Encountered along the coastal areas of the Windward Straights, The Evermyst Sea, The Emerald Ocean, and the Forgotten sea.

Average Intelligence

Above average Animimal.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gryphons have Excellent Distance Vision and they can see well in the harsh glare of sunlight and also in darkness. Gryphons have Highly adept hearing and can pick out specific sounds through background noise and interference such as wind. up to 100 feet.
Twilight Gryphon Evermyst
The Twilight Gryphon by Craftydm
Challenge Level (1-20)
Number Encountered
Movement Types
Flight, Walk
120 years.
Average Height
3-3 1/2 feet tall at the shoulders.
Average Weight
375-450 pounds.
Average Length
6-7 Feet head to tail.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Feathers of sea Green with a sheen of red to gold, with white to sky blue on the underbelly.

Cover image: by Night Cafe AI


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