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Eversea Cosmology and Myths according to the Ludovody and Valudzki

The Valudzki and Ludovody call the 2 suns they orbit collectively as "The Mothers", and the 3rd sun that they don't orbit in this trinary system, what we would call Proxima Centauri, they call "The Prodigal Daughter" since they only see it 3 months out of the year. They do have their own individual names, but they're less used. The largest sun is called Sauli, and the second-largest Gwin. The Prodigal Daughter is called Mithra.
The stars are collectively known as "The Sisters". They have their own constellations which may have their own article.
The 3 moons are called "The Fathers" or "The Brothers" interchangeably, 1 is the size of our moon, and 2 are captured asteroids. The largest is Yaroswav, the second-largest is Bojidar, the smallest is Daryush.
When talking about space, the Valudzki and the Ludovody say "Beyond the Mothers and the Sisters"

  Ludovody creation myth
In the beginning, the Valudzki, the Sarna, the Orrokai, and the Caprini were one, called the Ludosteren. (The Ludovody had not yet split from the Valudzki.) The Ludosteren had fled from their homes from beyond the Mothers and the Sisters in search of a new home in the stars. In their search, The Twin Guardians who held the Ludosteren crashed into each other and fell to this world of Endless Sea. Asherah, the First Ludosteren upon this world, saw the Endless Sea and turned herself and her people into the Orrokai and the Valudzki, to live beneath the waves. The remaining Ludosteren did not want to live forever in the sea. So the Kirin, Aurelia, found lands for the people to live on. But the largest land, Unkyen, was too dry for most; and the islands were already inhabited by The Others. The people who wanted to avoid a potential conflict went to Unkyen and made themselves into creatures who could handle the dry desert there. The remaining, Aurelia turned into Sarna or Caprini. The Sarna were people willing to become strict vegetarians as not to compete with the carnivorous Others, and therefore hopefully to peacefully cohabitate the island. The Caprini were more warlike, and generalists when it came to things they consumed, and so instead, they went to war with The Others.

  The Ludovody celestial origin story
In the beginning, before the arrival of the Twin Guardians, there was only the All-Mother, Ohma. In this emptiness, Ohma was lonely and created millions of daughters. The two eldest daughters, Sauli and Gwin, became larger than all the others, and they too became lonely for they had no one else near their size to have as companions, only their much smaller Sisters. Ohma then created Three Brothers to be companions to her Two Daughters. The largest, Yaroswav, was the strongest; the second-largest, Bojidar, was the most handsome; and Daryush, the smallest, was the most good. They weren't the most reliable bunch, but the Two Daughters liked them well enough, and the five married. Together the Two Mothers and Three Fathers created the planets: Aed, Yury, Burayaz, Eversea, Jurate, and Sion. They had a seventh daughter, Mithra. She was the brightest and most beautiful, but she was a wild one, and often ran away only to come back some months later. Sometimes, when she would be back, after a good scolding from her parents, she'd take her frustrations out on Eversea, who was their favorite. Only on Eversea did creatures grow, the light of the Mothers not being too cool and not too hot. Because of this, Eversea needed more caretaking than their other children, and the Mothers sent the Fathers to her to help care for her creations. Although, not the most dependable of parents, The Fathers did their best for Eversea's children, even the adopted ones that came later.
It's because of this the Ludovody used to worship the Mothers and Fathers after being disconnected from Asherah, and the arrival of Sabira. Some very old Ludovody still practice the old rituals to this day.

Valudzki state-approved creation myth/celestial origin story
In the beginning, there was only Asherah. There was no darkness, no light, only the Goddess. This emptiness was reflected on her skin and was only grey. This nothingness grew very tiresome, so she created darkness, and her skin changed to reflect this. However, even this grew tiresome, and she created stars and moons to light up even the darkest of nights, these became The Sisters and the Brothers. In this creation of some light, white freckles lined Asherah's underside. Two of The Sisters grew larger on their own and, much to Asherah's surprise, made continuous light. Asherah's skin was now half white and half black to reflect this. The largest Two Sisters married the Three Brothers and began creating children of their own. These mothers and fathers created the planets: Aed, Yury, Burayaz, Eversea, Jurate, and Sion. The daughter, Eversea, had her own children that grew to live on her back in her Endless Ocean. The Mothers and Fathers had a 7th child, called Mithra. Mithra stepped out a lot and went to elaborate parties with her aunts. After being away for most of the year though, she'd always come back. Mithra had a temper, and often caused trouble for Eversea, their favorite child.
Worship of the suns and moons are forbidden in Valudzki culture. All things originate with Asherah, so the only approved religion is Asherahism.
Planetoid / Moon

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