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Hwilpadda (Hwihl-paw-daw)

Hwilpadda are a slow, isolated species on the edges of the Unkyen, the desert continent.  They have issues regulating body heat, like most species on the Unkyen.  Due to their slow nature, they are experts in mindfulness meditation.   Generally speaking, if something is bad they tend to wait it out rather than taking direct action.  They have no military and have a very loose government.    The most well-known Hwilpadda is Sabira, who hasn't lived on the Unkyen in a long time. Due to infrequent travel between the Unkyen and the Three Hatchlings, as the Hwilpadda call them, her kind assumed Sabira died when she washed out in the hurricane hundreds of years ago, if not from drowning, dehydration,or starvation, then old age as none have lived as long as Sabira.

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