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Ludovody (Loo-do-VOH-dih)

The Ludovody, the People of Fresh Water, were once Valudzki, the People of the Sea. Long ago, a piece of the world broke, and it caused a massive wave, beaching an entire city full of Valudzki. The only survivors were Splitters, the evolutionary throwbacks that still had 2 tails instead of one. The Ludovody are the descendants of those few survivors. They are last to arrive on the Mother Island before the humans came. The Ludovody live near rivers and streams, which can cause conflicts with the Caprini settlements also try to get access to fresh water, as the Caprini are superstitious and do not dig wells. The Ludovody then do their best to keep their towns quiet and hidden from their Caprini neighbors, and often have to change paths when travelling from one Ludovod town to another. If they are captured on the road or their path is found, it could lead to the sacking of their entire town.   Ludovody eat whatever they can find that's not picked clean by the vegetarian Sarna, and the Caprini who will eat most things including twigs, tree bark, and, more often than not, the Sarna and Ludovody. Most Ludovody are thin and small due to lack of food, and are few in number. Despite the dangers of living on land, although they could return to the sea in theory, they would again face discrimination due to what the Valudzki see as a disability. Towns had returned to the sea en masse when a town or village is captured before to wait things out until the Caprini leave, and if they don't, they quietly move to the next Ludovod town.   Ludovod government is basically non-existent and each town works as a commune where everyone helps each other, and everyone works on a sort of barter system. They had a king once but felt it didn't make sense since they weren't especially different from the rest of the Ludovod.   Especially since their castle got taken over. In Shadow of My Enemy, there was a waterfall right by a Caprini city, behind the waterfall, the Ludovod and slowly carved away a castle, which, as they were carving, found was connected to a cave system. The King would "rule" from there for about 20 years, but in those 20 years, people often went missing, never to be seen or heard from again.   The Ludovod knew there was a reason why the Caprini didn't like to dig deep or go into caves, but they thought it was because of some legend of The Others who used to inhabit these lands, but the Caprini almost wiped out, like the Caprini do with nearly everything. There still was talk of the Deep Ones told to children at night, a legend still in the cultural memory of the Ludovody, from way back when they were still Valudzki, but The Deep Ones were water creatures, surely they couldn't also be on land. The Others were not The Deep Ones and were in fact very real, and when they took over the castle, the entire city of In the Shadow of my Enemy was abandoned.   The Ludovody no longer go into caves, carve into stone, or dig deep.   The most prominent religion is Sabirism.

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