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Maimuna "Maii" Krolina (My-ee-MOON-uh "My-EE" Kroh-EE-naw)

Maii was the human equivalent of 27 when the Third Guardian fell on Eversea. Like most Ludovody, Maii was told stories of what what they were like before and other cautionary tales by her grandmother. Instead of Maii taking them for what they were, stories of warning, the stories only fascinated her and made her more curious of things most Ludovody stayed clear of. Her wild nature and lack of innate sense of fear worried her grandmother exceedingly. Maii's grandmother was the daughter of the final king of the Ludovody, the one who built the Waterfall Castle and was eaten by The Others. Maii's father was killed by Caprini when Maii was very young, and Maii's mother fell into an almost catatonic depression that she is still in to this day. Although they are technically part of the old royal family, Maii's grandmother and the generations after her decided it's best not to have a monarchy or a true government at all. This brought the general feelings of universal equality and that all Ludovody are part of one big family. Some still wish for the old ways. Maii helps care for her mother, tinkers with any ancient tech she finds in the ruins across Vispa, the main island in which they reside. She finds said ruins by exploring, mostly without her grandmother's knowledge for fear of giving her a heart attack. Maii has had little interest in others romantically, but generally prefers other women to men, much to her grandmother's disappointment.

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