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Valudzki (Vaw-LUGE-kee)

The Valudzki, the People of the Sea, see themselves as the true inheritors of Eversea.  In their collective consciousness, they were here first, they're most adapted to this planet as a whole, and they have the best technology.  Nevermind that they're not native to Eversea.   Nevermind that the Orrokai were adapted in a similar fashion and came at the same time.  "The Valudzki will inherit the Eversea." When the Valudzki arrived, there was an immediate conflict with the native water peoples, currently called The Deep Ones. The Valudzki, with the help of the Orrokai, nearly wiped out The Deep Ones, and the few remaining Deep Ones, as their name implies, just lived deeper than the Valudzki and Orrokai could go, and bided their time.  The Valudzki then went to war with the Orrokai and effectively hunted them to extinction.  The only one left is Asherah, of whom they worship as a Goddess.  Besides Asherah, the Orrokai are so completely eradicated, they're not in any Valud history book and there are no landmarks besides Asherah's cove denoting they have ever existed.  As the Deep Ones passed into legend, The Valudzki felt more and more entitled to Eversea and began to claim they had always been here, despite the fact that the history books said otherwise.  The Valudzki are extremely ableist and look upon Splitters with great prejudice.  Splitters are evolutionary throwbacks to a time when Valudzki's limbs and digits were not fused and had hair. Splitters are seen as reminders that Valud society wasn't always of the sea and are seen politically as a threat to their claim of Inheritors of Eversea.  Because of this, most splitters wear specialized clothing that makes them appear to have their digits and limbs fused but are also still closely resembling those of non-Splitters in Valud society.    The Valud system of government is complicated and heavily tied into their religion as all females of noble houses act as priestesses in the Church of Asherah, with the Queen as its High Priestess (which is the equivalent of the Pope). The King is supposed to have all the power of the government, but since the Queen is always also the head of the Church, they're about on equal footing. Below the King and Queen and their descendants are nobles, which are mostly royalty of a lesser rank or rich landed lords.    All male nobles are trained as knights, the only exception being that of disability, and even then, sometimes they're still trained as knights, albeit rarely. Below them are peasants which include the working class such as guards, farmers, factory workers, maids, etc. The merchant class, although more moneyed, are seen as lesser than the peasant class, although that is changing.    Valudzki status, since it is completely underwater is shown by how many garments you are wearing, how brightly colored, and how ornately decorated since clothing creates drag. A lowly peasant worker may wear nothing more than a wrap about the waist and gloves. Royalty, however, are almost completely immobile from how many clothes they wear.    Public displays of affection are frowned upon, marriage between the classes is forbidden, and you must wear gloves at all times because the bare touching of flippers is seen as very intimate in nature. There are definitely subcultures in Valud society that are exceptions to these very strict rules.  In dance clubs, intimate touching is common in dark corners.  In the basement of art exhibitions, it is not uncommon to have a sexy party running simultaneously in the basement.    Some priestesses of lesser nobility used to form isolated convents for religious purposes and were once seen as pious. Convents have been illegal for 50 years, and I'll leave the reasoning behind that up to you.

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