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Yarek Arkash (YAW-rek AWR-kawsh)

Yarek was 32 when the Third Guardian fell to Eversea. Yarek was the only known Splitter who became a member of the Valudzki Royal Guard. We say only known Splitter because Yarek has made no effort to hide his Splitter status besides the prosthetic bindings required for him to swim well.  It is unknown why he put so little effort into covering it up, whether out of bravery or stupidity, but he's received surprisingly little discrimination within his team due to his sheer size, cheerful disposition, and natural good nature.  His superiors would describe him as "not the brightest, but he doesn't have a mean bone in his body, and look at him. I wish I had 20 guys just like him!" It was for this reason The Resistance saw him as their best possible informant for their cause. It's unclear if Yarek recognizes he's a spy or not, or how much trouble he'd be in if he ever got caught, but he knows guarding the palace is the right thing to do, but also thinks letting The Resistance know what's going on is also the right thing to do.  His sister is also a Splitter, but is small and sickly. He can't take care of her while he lives in the barracks with the other guards. Even though the individual quarters at the barracks are the size of a studio apartment, her care is a full time job in of itself.  Where she was at before didn't care for her well and was abusive, but now The Resistance takes care of Adelina, and she's happy, she's not constantly sick, and her health in general is beginning to improve.  Yarek just sees The Resistance as very nice people, and he feels like he owes Malina and her followers a great deal.  It is unclear if Yarek knows what The Resistance is or what the information they want mean, but it's very doubtful he'd stop giving them information and he definitely wouldn't lose sleep about it.    Yarek enjoys cooking, and basically any kind of party, but especially dance parties. He's well liked amongst his peers, and weirdly one of the most domestic of the men at the barracks. His coworkers tease him and say he'd make a great wife one day.    Yarek has no preference of gender for partners and has an equal mix of both, but because of how he looks and what he is, he's mostly only had casual relationships, and the more his partners get to know him, the more off-putting he is because he's not what they expect.    Yarek asked Nilam, Malina's twin sister, to marry him once, but Nilam said she wasn't "the marrying type."  They eventually broke up 2 years before the Third Guardian fell.

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