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Hailing from the dwarfhold of Dargul located in a long range of mountain by the name of The Vordurgen, Baldor has experienced most of his life underground. As such Baldor was raised for service to his God and Clan, taught from a very young age the ways of Torag the Dwarf came to find meaning in life through serving his god on Earth and seeking to honour his Clan. Belonging to the ancient and respected Clan of Galrod, famed within Dargul, Baldor follows their traditions and cointinues to further their legacy in this world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Baldor is arguably tall for his race, standing at 4'6" and weighing 187lbs he is generally as stout as most of his race though. Broad and made up of layers of thick muscle the Dwarf is very much like the large boulders that he would move during his training as young man.

Facial Features

Baldor has deep set grey eyes, framed by a strong brow and prominent cheek bones. Between his eyes is a broad square nose sitting above his mouth which is hidden behind a thick blonde beard that cascades down to his chest. It is rare to not see a frown on Baldor's face, the dwarf often in a seemingly bad mood although for the most part it is just the natural expression for him.

Identifying Characteristics

There is a large tattoo of a warhammer that sprawls across his back, the head sitting across his shoulder blades and handle reaching down to his coccyx.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hailing from the dwarfhold of Dargul located in a long range of mountain by the name of The Vordurgen, Baldor has experienced most of his life underground. As such Baldor was raised for service to his God and Clan, taught from a very young age the ways of Torag the Dwarf came to find meaning in life through serving his god on Earth and seeking to honour his Clan. Belonging to the ancient and respected Clan of Galrod, famed within Dargul, Baldor follows their traditions and cointinues to further their legacy in this world.   Raised by clerics and following in a long family line of clerics it felt often as though it was his destiny to serve Torag as his ancestors had done for centuries. Baldor took this in his stride and tackled his training with an intensity and passion that many dwarves have for their crafts. Studying the ancient texts of his clan and the religious tomes devoted to the worship and remembrance of Torag and his teachings.   During this time it became apparent that while a great cleric with a talent for fighting and a great passion for studying the histories of his people that Baldor was not a people person. He was quiet and gruff and spoke only when necessary, small talk never was and never would be his strong suit and while he could lecture you on Torag and the history of his clan for hours if he wished that was perhaps the most he would say and it did not often suit idle chit chat.   Still Baldor was welcomed by his people and many dwarves he met who were visiting his home from the outside world found him to be a useful font of knowledge for them to learn from. Making him useful enough to look past his lesss welcoming and friendly traits.   After turning 50 Baldor decided he was ready to leave the safety of his dwarfhold and travel the wider world in search of more answers to his questions of self. Wishing to bring honour to his clan and his god while further learning and establishing his wider purpose in the world.   Baldor seeks a name to return with, something that speaks of his deeds and represents something he has done to earn his place among his people and the world. For Torag and Clan Galrod Baldor will walk the world above the surface until it is time for him once more to return to his home and pass on his wisdom to the future clerics of Clan Galrod in service to Torag.

Baldor greatly embodies the values and traits of the god he serves, finding comfort in doing his best to represent Torag as an emisery and protector on earth. Stoic and serious, often to the point of coming across unfriendly, Baldor makes a sturdy ally.

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Lawful Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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