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Aeldred Ulfwine

Aeldred Ulfwine

Neutral/ Neutral Evil
Redish Brown
270 lbs

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Dis hoe

Every night the Entity visits my dream. It shows me glimpses of time immemorial. Memories, emotions swelling with cacophony of noises and lights. Soon I will become a vessel for the Entity to be guided towards my ultimate destiny. The dreams, the nightmares, the past, the future. Ruin shall be wrought upon this land and I have seen it.   I will engorge myself on the memories of this dragon deceiver. Her memories will feed the Entity for a greater future.

Better Call Soul

Finally, after almost a month of trying I have finally broken the reliquary of Bahamut. Now I can capture the souls of the unworthy and civilized to be used for our goals.   For now I'm forgiving the town for their lumbering and mining. The Entity has guided me to this point and I must trust their guidance. If they wish for me to empower this small, decrepit town then I shall do so. I will train the hunters in our ways and to trust the stars for guidance. If the lumberyards get out of hand however, I shall capture their souls as punishment. Fear will keep the forest free and safe. I do not like going into town but I must do so as the minister of innovation, whatever that may mean. Sadly, the council has declined to wreak havoc in Zadash. I am almost willing to go do it myself just to see a small part of that disgusting blight burn with the fires of a thousand stars. Alas, I suggested we meet with the Myriad to explain our disappointing position on their offer.   Amos is getting married to some draconian princess. I am told we must journey to her lands and request money for the wedding. When nations, empires, and civilization collapses such frivolous needs will no longer be a necessity. They sicken me.   The Entity shall bring forth the light.   Aeldred Ulfwine

The Meat Code

The meat bro code begins and ends with respect. Needlessly endangering meat bros at night in a bog is the opposite of such a code. That is why there must be consequences to such actions which includes being left to fend for oneself when drawing the ire of a 80 feet tall, one-eyed troll. Now everyone knows I will snake off when I feel disrespected.   Regardless, me and Amos had a nice discussion about his father. Sounds like he was pushed around growing up.   We have ventured into the temple and discovered a contraption whose purpose we have not ascertained. Another party has also found the temple and has firebombed the rooms as we leave them. We have also found the inhabitants of the temple. Frog people, bully-wogs I daresay. Vesper desecrated nature and turned one into a skeleton. It was very wrong. My gills will useful in this place. The entity provides.

The Deerstock Daily: Obituaries

Spicolus Maximus (January 14, 835 to January 13, 869)   Spicolus Maximus sadly did not pass away quietly surrounded by his loved ones but instead was found mauled in an alleyway the morning after winning his 3rd consecutive horizonback rally, beating both Terry Derrinton and an outsider in the final leg of the rally with his deft dexterity and riding expertise. While small in stature, Spicolus was grand in personality. Beloved within his circle, Spicolus' energy was contagious and elevated the life of those around him. Spicolus' deep love for himself was only exceeded by his love of the horizonbacks he rode throughout his life. Spicolus was saving up to eventually start his own horizonback farm along with a training program. He was several years away from realizing this goal, although had amassed much of the capital necessary to do so. In his will, Spicolus has left his wealth with his family with a good portion going to local horizonback farms. Spicolus' larger and more intimidating brother, Spicola Maximus has vowed revenge upon those who mauled and possibly consumed his brother reminding a small that the 3rd place outsider of the event was later seen wearing the winning amulet. Spicola Maximus will have vengeance, in this life or the next.

Menage à (Mino)trois
January 9, 869

We have ventured into Deerstock which seemingly has become a shanty town over the last 30 years. Upon our arrival we were met with the stench of settled life and debauchery, so unlike certain Minotaur events back home. There is currently a "Festival of Merit" where individuals and teams compete in 7 events or so to earn the right of town leadership. We have decided to join the festivities. While the library is obviously important, if they are in the future, everything that will happen to them, has happened and thus we have time for some fun. Antwan stole a ticket from a drunkard.   We found a pub to gather more information. While the talkers of the group investigated the festival me and the lads arm wrestled. Sadly, I lost. Some fancy fellow was blowing wind regarding his hope for winning the festival. His odds seemed poor. His name was Terry I think. I signed up for an eating event, a swimming event, and planning on a harvesting event, a turtle event, and a riddle event. Cheating is not-advised but allowed if you are not caught. We did the eating challenge. Sadly, I lost. For the swimming event I may either summon some crocodilians to harass fellow competitors, or turn into one myself for an advantage. For the harvesting event I am partnered with Amos who seems to think I do not like him but if anything I am at minimum indifferent to him as I have not known him long. He has chosen to enter the swimming contest even though he has frail arms and legs. I hope the best for him. We shall see how the other events unfold throughout the week.

Cities and Humans+
Wednesday, January 7, 869

Well well well, here we are, another day, another spout of danger and adventure. Percival, Ignatius, and I waited on the boat while those city bastards went to gather their papers. Upon their return I turned into a snake and hung out in the ropes to let Percy deal with them. These bureaucrats told us the boat was of the owner Yousa, of which was stolen on December 4th, 868, seemingly last year. If my math serves me correctly that would mean we are currently in the year 839; 34 years into the future from our present. Entity, I do hope this all falls into your machinations.   Regardless, the cityfolk claim that Percy and his mad master required imprisonment, taking them in chains off the boat. Much to my dismay I elected to follow them into the city on the paddy wagon axel to make sure they remained safe. They were brought to a jailhouse on busy street. So many people, so much filth. I had to slither along a street gutter with the most foul stench. Made my snake stomach vomit. After turning back into my usual form I set up watch outside the jailhouse enjoying multiple meals waiting for something to happen.   That something was Antwan and Amos (who had apparently rowed his way to Nicodranos?) drunk and belligerent talking of some fancy club they had ventured into. Somehow in their stupor they reminded me that Yousa was the fellow with library connections the others were hoping to have an audience with. How came about his stolen boat is either a coincidence or a clue from the future library. We will eventually connect with the others and confer on next plans. There also this foolish barmaid who kept thinking I was asking her out but instead I was simply asking for the calendar date. This is why I don't like cities.   As a side note, I had heard that the lighthouse of the wild mother had gone out. While I do follow the Entity, I still hold respect for the Wild Mother and thus this could be a thread worth following.   May the Entity guide us down our path,   Aeldred

Boats and Rows

Well there has been timey wimey shenanigans once again. We found a boat and flipped it over. We "repaired" the ship as best we could. Lots of dead dwarves and some alive ones. The alive ones were grumpy and told us the volcano had been erupting for 6 months now and it was June. After some troubling events in which Antwan abused a dead sheep and wanted to fight the head dwarf with it's tarred leg (?). Anyways we went to sleep and the stars changed back to their january positions. We wake up to find the dwarves gone and our ship undamaged. Strange. Now if we travelled in time to find the damaged ship and travelled back in time why is this ship here, undamaged? I through out some theories that maybe the future library sent us this ship in the past but I think the others thought it was too much so we choose not to question it.   Anyways we sailed the ship to nicodranos. What a dreadful place, a plague upon the coast. The others but Percy and I went into the city. Some "civilized" scum came to us calling us pirates. Percy sent them away with some words of bureaucracy. The others are looking for some mage of sorts.

Snakes and Lizards

We have begun to explore more of this island. We've discovered that their are two warring people's here. A group of lizardfolk and a group of Yuan ti (the snakefolk). Antwan approached the snakefolk and threatened them into friendship with his big muscles who's names are escaping me. Regardless, the snake people took most of us in and I had to sneak in as a cat. They told us the lizardfolk blame them for all the bad things that happened to Uka'toa. I do not know although it would appear based on the timeline that this happened 30 years ago we may have teleported into the future. They did tell us about Zehir the Cloaked Serpent, the betrayer god whom they worship. Now, Zehir apparently wants to end civilization which I wholeheartedly agree with. It may be fruitful to the Order to investigate in the future. Zehir also wants to turn everyone into snakes which is not ideal because well I prefer not being a snake. They have promised to help us off the island if we find them a weapon to defeat the lizardfolk (of whom may actually be good people, we don't know, but oh well, the end of civilization requires sacrifice). We are now exploring the temple top down. The dead guy fell down the side of the temple. We are now in a room full of trees. I am no longer a cat but in my true form.   May the Entity guide us to salvation  
  • Aeldred
  • My Search for the Mad Court

    Guided by a vision from the Entity, my mentor and an Archdruid of my Circle has sent me to search out this mysterious library that is told to hold large swathes of hidden knowledge. Knowledge that may be of use to our cause. If possible I shall seek to help this library in exchange for information in guidance with the Entity. I am told this library may be found on an island off the Menagerie Coast so a local fishermen sympathetic to our cause was kind to bring me to the island where I now search for these librarians.   May the Entity guide me on this path.  
  • Aeldred
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