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Asmodeus Red

Brother of the Nine Hells, following his Lord's work to ensure that all follow the one great God.

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The Gospel of Myfree

May Asmodeus smite all those who stand in the way of marriages of power and influence. The great leaders of Deostock gathered and selected Amos to be the groom allying us with the great draconian bastion of Draconia. To marry him off to their princess Ovira Ulamar. With much of the council away on the business of dealing with mysterious companies and the districts of Zadash, it came down to the apostles: Amos, Aeldred, Percival and the venerable Asmodeus Red to plan for this most momentous of occasions. The chosen gathered more people to the town of Deostock to increase the prestige with 250 new faithful followers while awaiting the ceremony. We prepared gifts for the dowry of Amos: a token of our faith: the Medal of Asmodeus, the finest axe fashioned in Deostock, as well as a chest holding 5,000 gold coins and 5,000 silver coins. With these gifts, the people of Asmodeus wished to greet our new allies and show the great generosity of our god.   The party left town with the draconian royalty and were brought to a teleportation circle. Suddenly we were betrayed! Appearing at the other end of the circle was not the great palaces of Draconia but a cell. Entrapped by dragonborn, we were informed by the guards that we were one of many such previous souls trapped. Luckily through the paths of Asmodeus, Red was able to escape and give the rest of the party the opportunity to escape from this imprisonment but not before the loss of two servants of Asmodeus: Blothar and Panice. May they serve in hell as they did on earth.   Upon being freed, the fiendish band met another prisoner of the betrayer bride. Myfree the goblin lord of Asarius. In his imprisonment he had connected with the gods and saw the greater picture of the world. Only speaking in the language of the gods, we watched as he gorged himself on countless bodies leading their souls to the afterlife. Seeing us as followers of one of the great god, he stopped his feasting and shared great tidings with us. He had accepted Asmodeus as the one true tyrant and had relinquished his mandate as king of Asarius to Asmodeus. He signed a holy contract with Red in the blood of the tortured, allying Asarius with Deostock and acknowledging Asmodeus as the true leader of Asarius. His wisdom and knowledge will forever be bound in the 8th level of hell where his followers may join him.   It is at this point that the enemy of the church made themselves known. While the party was cleansing the caves of all those who would betray us, the ultimate betrayer became known. From the mouth of Brother Aeldred sprung the tentacles of the most despised mind flayer God! It had already entangled itself in the skull of Myfree, destroying the great thoughts bestowed on him by Asmodeus. With great haste, mighty Percival and Asmodeus Red called upon the power of Asmodeus. Asmodeus, seeing this false prophet finally showing his intent, entered the body of Aeldred and drove out the enemy turning his entangling tentacles into the bone that was more befitting the party of Avon. The enemy in a last charge of despair stole the body of Aeldred scampering away in cowardice. All that was left was the reliquary Brother Aeldred had been storing souls in to one day sacrifice to the great tyrant.   With the loss of an apostle the companies hatred grew to torrential levels. We found in this cavern a great chamber and in it were many great demons. Frozen in time, they appeared to be resting, awaiting a time when they were free. We subjugated one of the great demons known as Matt. He informed us of the point of this cavernous dungeon to suck the power from nobles around the world and increase the power of the brutal bride. Matt having told us these stories also revealed their conspiring ways with the enemy. He was punished by Asmodeus Red for having fallen out of Asmodeus' light. No longer was he the great demon lord he once was but instead transformed into an imp, to live in the pocket of Red and chronicle his stories. With this intense demonic energy showing, the rest of the great demon host were awakening and the party retreated killing all mortals found along the way.   The party then came across a most cursed site, a camp where the souls destined for hell were trapped. Trapped by a twisting of the tyrant's will and a book that appeared to have been pulled from Hell itself. Red, determined to properly subjugate these souls used the power of Asmodeus to control the book and upon touching this piece of the other dimension was greeted by the great one himself. Asmodeus came up to Red and granted him use of this book of power but with a severe cost of all Red's strength. As we all know, no power is given for free. There was also beside Asmodeus another. This was a reaper like figure, appearing to be Asmodeus' compatriot. It was Death, for who else would work so well with the Lord of the Land of the Dead. The two figures granted Red an army of shades. Commanding them they stormed the great room of the caverns and came into contact with the odorous Ovira. Asmodeus silenced her before she could say a single word of blasphemy and she was cut down by the demonic strength of a crazed Percival. Then the true lord of this land appeared in the form of a terrible white dragon. Although able to kill dozens in a second and being the size of a house, no power was a match for the followers of Asmodeus as the army of shades came and tore the beast asunder. With their use completed, the shades were dispersed back to the journey they were meant to take.   The party now carrying the gold and silver they had brought and with the axe of Deostock buried in the head of the dragon began to leave this cursed place. On top of a mountain where only Asmodeus can save them.

Chapter 1: The Great Cataclysm

Rend the Heavens apart again, Burn down the first 8 Hells! Let Asmodeus torture a million souls and sacrifice them to the pits. The prophet is dead!   He was taken by the vile treachery of our enemies. His soul removed with his brain. If only I, Brother Red, had hastened quicker to his side. The horses that were ridden to death were ridden without enough authority, the scum I dispatched not done judiciously enough or the food I had procured too selective from the rucksacks of the scum. With my failure, Asmodeus must be surely angered and I will properly atone.   When the prophet's sacred band of followers appeared holding his body I was wrenched with torment. It was a fraction of his previous retinue with only the mighty Antwan, the ensnaring Vesperra and the murderous Aeldred there. I assume the rest of the followers were either dead or still stuck below in the temple trying to atone for their failure in protecting Avon. The party entrusted me with the great responsibility of the body of the prophet as well as his belongings. With the body in my possession, Antwan in an act surely given by the will of Asmodeus, pierced the prophet and my hands letting his blood flow through me.   The power that Asmodeus has bestowed on me! He must truly see the penance in my heart and have selected me to enact fiendish judgement on all enemies of the Church. I grew a finger of the prophet on my left hand signaling his will and then with a burning pain, across the entirety of my body appeared hundreds of scars, surely the map of the injuries I must inflict upon myself in the future due to my failures. I do feel though the murderous intent of the prince of the ninth hell inside me and will use it to advantage against multiple enemies and frighten them with my presence.   I then took the body of the prophet to the Holy City of Deostock. The party followed with the great gift of Asmodeus: the Lens of Avon, which can peer into the first levels of hell. With the bringing of the Lens and the loss of the prophet, I ensured our people were ready to start upon the great mandate of the Lord. The subjugation of the world begins now, It was with great joy that I personally was able to separate the head of the Bahamation false priest with the great gauntlets bequeathed by the Tyrant and his holy symbol. We have executed the schemer Bahamut's sycophants and liberated their treasures and temples. We buried the prophet properly in a looted and defiled grave as he would have wished.   In the following days, the party of the prophet took control of the city and followed Asmodeus' tenants in a way only true believers can, with an iron fist and no room for compassion. Kicking people out of homes, bribing officials and establishing the secret police of the future. The only one appearing to go against this obvious Will of the Tyrant was Aeldred but we trust that he is being directed in ways we not yet understand.   Now as head of the clergy of the town, controlling 6 of the 8 votes myself and the others in the hands of Vesperra with some of the faithful seeing her a true mouthpiece of hell, mainly due to the ever lingering scent of the grave that sticks to her. We shall use this Holy City as a jumping off point, to control this kingdom, find the Library that brought forth the prophet and use its power to subjugate this entire plane of existence.


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