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Big Lair Actions

Big Battle Lair Actions 1. At the beginning of a battle, set up a randomly distributed Jenga Tower. (There are 5 of each number, and a ? – which is set your own). Pull D12, evenly between players. 2. At the start of Each Round, the table will vote on a block to pull. The Number on this block will decide which of the following effects will occur during the round. 1-5: Nothing Unusual Occurs 6: Structural Collapse 7: Elemental Effect 8: A Sense of Dread 9: Tides of Battle 10: Luck Turns 3. At the start of EACH Creature (good/bad) the player/DM will pull from the tower. The number on their block will represent something that happens depending on the effect. 4. If the tower falls during a players/NPC turn, they gain a level of Exhaustion and one of the following: 1-2: Roll on the Bad Things Table 3-4: Roll Twice on the Fumble Chart after their action 5-6: Roll Once on the Fumble Chart after their action 7-8: Nothing Happens 9-10: Cause the nearest creature to them to Roll Immediately on the Fumble Chart. 5. The tower is then rebuilt and 1 d12 blocks are removed. Structural Collapse 1- Falling Ceiling - Roll a Dex Save (Moderate) or suffer bludgeoning damage depending on the environment type (Wood/Cloth – Setback, Stone/Metal – Dangerous, Spikes/Lava – Deadly), The Jenga Block now acts as an obstacle. 2- A Hole in the Floor – A 15 foot long, 5 foot chasm opens between you an the nearest creature. Any adjacent creatures make a Dex Save (Moderate) or fall in 20 feet down. 3- Crushing Ceiling – A piece of ceiling falls down and attempts to restrain this and all adjacent creatures. Dex Save (Hard) or be restrained, prone and potentially suffocating. Action to get out. 1. othing Happens. Elemental Effect 1-3 – Nothing Happens 4- Fire/Ice/Sand suddenly appears in your space. The 5ft space you are in are consumed by the element. Suffer 1d6 Damage now and on the start of every future turn until you use an action to get it off. 5- The space you and all adjacent to you are in becomes suffocating. You are considered choking in this space. 6- One non magical item you have is consumed and destroyed by the elements. 1. othing Happens. Sense of Dread 1-6 – Nothing Happens 7- You become filled with dread. Wis Save (Hard) or become frightened. Can remake save at the end of each turn, other then this one. 8- Any non magical light goes out, if it is day, a dark cloud suddenly blocks out the sun. 9- Sickness, you feel like you are going to throw up. Con Save (Med) or can only gain 1hp of healing anytime someone tries to heal you for the next minute. 10 Nothing Happens. Tides of Battle 1 – Nothing Happens 2 – Switch places with one random creature on the field. 1. – Nothing Happens 6 – Go up in the initiative tracker immediately, loosing this turn. 7-9 – Nothing Happens 10 – Make a contested strength check with a nearby creature, the loser is disarmed. If a tie, nothing happens. Luck Turns 1. – Nothing Happens 3 – Feeling Lucky, add 1 d4 to all attacks, saves, checks. Lasts until you fail a check. 4-6 – Nothing Happens 7 – Your next hit is a critical, not matter what (keep this secret from the player) 8- Nothing Happens. 9 – Gain 1 extra bonus a

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