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Degenerations and Degenerating Essence

Being Evil comes with benefits....and with curses. Depending on the type of Evil performed, a different element of Degeneration will take place. There are 4 types of Evil; Rotten, Desecrating, Foul and Maddening.   Everytime an act of Evil is commited, a Wisdom Save must be made against the relevant DC of the Act. A successful save means you are not currupted by Evil...but an unsucessful Save means you begin to fill the well of evil within. Once you reach a total of 5 evil points in any type, you must choose one of the following moving forward: a perminant level of exaustian, your choice which, or -4 in any stat your choice or vulnerability in 2 damage types (random). acid, bludgeoning, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, piercing, poison, psychic, radiant, slashing, and thunder.   Remove Curse will not work against these. To rid yourself of a curse, you must atone for it. This is up to DM discreiton. Ridding yourself of a curse, also rids you of the benefit.                

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