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*Amos specific rule. If an Ally is reduced to 0hp, there is a 50% chance that you turn into full wolf. If you are in a low oxygen environment its a 50% chance of reverting to human.  


Wild Up
  • Strength, Dexterity or Constitution go up by 1
  • Shapechanger
  • As an action you can change into your true, hybrid or wolf form.
  • Your stats and HP do not change, you only gain the features
  • Keen Hearing and Smell
  • You have advantage on perception that relies on scent or hearing.
  • Flaws

    Full Moon's Fury
  • Whenever there is a full moon, (the 13th and 26th of each month) you cannot always control the beast within.
  • On the day, make a Wisdom Save (DC 13) or forcebly transform into the Wolf Form and cannot transform back until the Day is over.
  • While in this form, anytime you are in Combat, you must make a Wisdom Save (DC 15) at the start of each turn or you attack a random creature within 30 feet.
  • Raw Meat Addiction
  • You can only gain sustenance off Raw Meat.
  • Failure to do so each day results in your wolflike tendancies lashing out
  • Each day that you havent eaten raw meat you must make a Wisdom Save (DC 13) or you viciously attack the first creature you see that day once.
  • The DC increases by 1 for each consecutive day you go without Raw Meat.
  • Hybrid Form

      You grow sharp teeth, claws and fur all over, but maintain your humanoid form.  
      Ability Increase
  • Your Strength, Dex or Con go up by 2
  • Bite
  • You can bite a creature by making a melee weapon attack against it.
  • Can use Str or Dex with proficiency.
  • Hit: 1d8 + Str/Dex piercing
  • If the target is a humanoid, they must succeed a Constitution Save (DC 8 + your proficiency + your Constitution modifier) or be cursed with Lycanthropy
  • Claw
  • You can claw a creature by making a melee weapon attack against it.
  • Can use Str or Dex with proficiency.
  • Hit: 2d4 + Str/Dex slashing
  • Resistance
  • You are resistant to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from non magical/silvered attacks
  • Weakness
      Horrifying Form
  • You have disadvantage on any charisma based checks
  • You are easily identifiable as a werewolf/monster
  • Silver Burns
  • Any attacks on you with silver you are vulnerable to
  • You cannot touch anything with silver in it, if you do you take 1d6 fire damage per round

    Wolf Form

      You transform fully into the shape and body of a very large wolf.  
      Agile Beast
  • Your speed increases to 50ft
  • Natural Armour
  • Your AC is now 12 + Dex Modifier
  • Bite
  • You can bite a creature by making a melee weapon attack against it.
  • Can use Str or Dex with proficiency.
  • Hit: 1d10 + Str/Dex piercing
  • If the target is a humanoid, they must succeed a Constitution Save (DC 8 + your proficiency + your Constitution modifier) or be cursed with Lycanthropy
  • Extra Resistance
  • You are resistant to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from non magical/silvered attacks.
  • You are immune to bludgeoning, piercing OR slashing, you choose when you transform.
  • Blood Trail
  • You can smell/track blood within 60 feet of you.
  • Weakness
      Wolf got your tongue
  • You cannot speak, cast spells or concentrate on spells
  • Extra Silver Burns
  • Any attacks on you with silver you are twice as vulnerable to
  • You cannot touch anything with silver in it, or be within 5 feet of pure silver objects, if you do you take 1d6 fire damage per round

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