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One Shot Rules

Before Session

  • Send out what character information is needed (level, class/race restrictions if any,starting gold/equipment,)
  • Give a blurb as to what the adventure will be about
  • Give the characters one question to ponder before arriving
  • As soon as everyone arrives

  • Pass around some paper to each person, ask everyone to write down something they definetely dont want to see/happen, if there is nothing then pretend to write, or write something funny, this is to give everyone a chance to call out things they are uncomfotable with without outing themselves.
  • Go over the home rules
  • Natural 1s and 20s
  • Fumble Chart
  • Travel Expediency/Camping
  • Rolling etiquette
  • Combat pacing

  • Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild


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