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Zephyr (a.k.a. Zeph)

Zephyr is looking to get back home where things make sense, where there are no exceptions because there are no rules.   Is an Agent of Baphomet in disguise, as Percival is Baphomet in transport and Zephyr is the protector.

A confused air genasi duelist from another plane.

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Neutral Evil
Non-binary (They/He)
Icey blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Translucent mauve
6 ft
150 lbs

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A Passage in the Dark

A hall of hollowed bone or ivory Askew from time and space, and sightless seen, A sudden shift between the world and me, Another setting from some future scene, There someone followed, someone walked ahead, Although I could not see there mortal frame, Did my ears mark the footsteps of the dead? Should I have harkened further for their name? Who waits within the passage in the dark? Whose footsteps tread those halls of polished white? Be they the lamb, or be they more the shark That stalks beneath the waters of the night? Be they a dreaded foe, or be they friend, Be they whate’er, I’ll follow them again.

A Passage in the Dark

A hall of hollowed bone or ivory Askew from time and space, and sightless seen, A sudden shift between the world and me, Another setting from some future scene, There someone followed, someone walked ahead, Although I could not see there mortal frame, Did my ears mark the footsteps of the dead? Should I have harkened further for their name? Who waits within the passage in the dark? Whose footsteps tread those halls of polished white? Be they the lamb, or be they more the shark That stalks beneath the waters of the night? Be they a dreaded foe, or be they friend, Be they whate’er, I’ll follow them again.


The voice within the eye is haunting me, A vision heaving from a fractured mind, The voice can’t speak, the wooden eye can’t see, And yet I hear and feel both naughts in kind, Who is he that claims he’s from the sky, Who bears the mark of gods who did betray, Too close to clouds, who never once did fly, Who sees but half, has twice as much to say? He bears the voice, the eye, the absence of, In chains, unbound, imprisoned, but content, As though the sky below, the earth above, And all like all falls up in its descent, As from a hunter’s bow, an arrow cast, Which ‘posing state awaits me at the last?

Lament For a Loaned Wolf

To set a fire and have a little fun, A simple riddle, little skill to solve, How quickly fate can find you on the run, Whatever plans were made start to dissolve, To run? To hide? Where best to put our skill When faced with might of magickers arcane? In desperate times, the Gods will test our will, And in Hell’s hands, our wolf would be their bane, By bargain we were saved, but terms so dear Came soon upon our well-deserved rest, Our wolf was called to battle, far from here, For Asmodeus knows to call the best, And so the three, once four, lie by the road, To rise at dawn, to claim what they are owed.

Little Knife

This little knife, unbalanced in my hand, A simple blade, and hilt of polished bone, Once pulled like mem'ry from a distant land, A scattered dream now frozen into stone, How came you here? By humble Fortune’s sway, Or by some trick of sallow Circumstance? Or was it by the tide of Yesterday That you will join Tomorrow’s stately dance? So called unbalanced, to unbalanced ends, To carve against the the ropes of rules unsound, So freely offered from my newfound friends, I offer service, purpose, all around, O Little Knife, now balanced in my hand, I offer all, your wish is my command.


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