Glass slipper Item in Evil Princesses Realm | World Anvil
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Glass slipper


After Zaliki Hidha came to the ball all those years ago it is being attempted to make something similiar. Only none of the glassblowers in Madinat Alzujaj have being successful in making a slipper that is strong enough to be worn.   They used all the glass blowing tools known to man, even tried to invent a new one. But even nine years after the ball and numerous studies of the one slipper that was worn
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Current Location
Current Holder
Owning Organization
One of a kind
30 grams
4.125 inch from toe to heel
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
The slippers are totally made out of glass. There is no other material that got involved.

Cover image: by Nightcafe


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