Mikroskopikós Character in Evil Princesses Realm | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Tiny)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mikroskopikós looks like he is in his late twenties, this is because of his giant gene. He ages slower than the normal Humans. He is also stronger than the most of them, demigods not included.

by Darkmoon_Art

Apparel & Accessories

Mikroskopikós is always seen in the latest fashion, only he does not tell anyone where he got the gold from to pay for it.  

by Darkmoon_Art

Specialized Equipment

Mikroskopikós still wears the mace his father made everywhere he goes, it has broken over the years. But he always let another blacksmith repair it. Even when they tell him that it is time to look for another, but he refuses every time. Some will say that it is madness, if they knew...  

by Darkmoon_Art

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Mikroskopikós was a half giant, meaning his father (Warsal) was a giant and his mother (Agapia) a human. This union was not forbidden but it was frowned upon. Still his parents were the best parents he could wish for. His father had other children (Two sons Mewbor and Jinar, and a daughter Elori) with a giant woman (Nefura), but that was before he met Mikroskopikós's mother. The two women worked together to raise their children, in a world that was not so forgiving. Still they taught them to be understanding and loving to each other.  


Warsal, Mikroskopikós's father was a loving but stern father towards all of his children. He taught them to love and fear the Gods, because by their will they were still alive. Warsal instructed Agapia to take Mikroskopikós to the temples in the city near the mountains, so that he can give thanks. Something his brothers and sister couldn't because of their appearance. Mikroskopikós didn't like the city, he was larger than all the other children his age. His mother was called names and so was he. He was never invited to play with them, his mother always told him that they feared his strenght and that demigods experienced the same thing, before their Godly parents claimed them. This sparked the hope inside his heart that one day he would be like those heroes inside the mythos. Like Perseus, son of Zeus, or Dmetor, son of Artemis. From which the later will play an important part in his life.  

Slaughter of his family

I remember it so well, it was the night before I turned fifteen. An important age, to become a young man. At least according to my father. He had promised me a weapon, any type of weapon, so I requested a mace. As I have told you many times, he was a skilled blacksmith. That night was indeed the end to my childhood, my mother woke me up from my slumber, and told me to hide in the crack. I still can hear my sister scream, my brothers calling out my father's name. Their mother cursing, and my mother weeping. I didn't dare to come out of that crack. But the next morning I did and I was met with their blood and dead bodies. Every member, my mother, brothers, sister, father, my stepmother, they all were dead. Murdered. I found the mace my father had made for me, and traveled to the city. It was there when I learned that the hero Dmetor, son of Artemis had killed my family. He was boasting about it at the city square, as if the loss of my family was something to be celebrated. When a citizen spotted me, he pointed towards me and told the 'hero' that he missed one. It was then that I learned that Dmetor believed that he was helping the city, by eliminating a threat. He was horrified when learned that my family was never a threat to the village. He took me under his wing, he taught me how to wield my mace and together we did some good in the world. We fall in love and he was my world... Until he was killed by another demigod, I still haven't found the man who killed my beloved. His name was Hercules, I know you killed him and that the chance to revenge my love is lost forever. But believe me when I say that I do not blame only Hercules, I blame the Gods as well.

Joining Megera in her tasks

I joined you because, I see myself in you. Megera, wife of Hercules. You are a fighter and I will teach you how to wield a sword, how to complete these tasks. But I will challange the Gods.
Megera smiled at him.  
I am with you, little man.

by Darkmoon_Art


Mikroskopikós, has only loved one man in his entire life. Dmetor, son of Artemis. After the death of his beloved he vowed never to love someone that deeply again. Afraid to be hurt, once again. That those not say that he didn't have other bed partners.  

by Darkmoon_Art


Mikroskopikós was homeschooled by his mother and stepmother, together with his sister and brothers. He also learned the mythos while visiting the temples inside the city. After his family's death he learned a lot more from Dmetor, son of Artemis.  

by Darkmoon_Art

Personality Characteristics


I fight next to you, because you remind me of someone.
  Mikroskopikós, is always in for a good fight. Sometimes he even takes the lead in them. So long it will anger the Gods.

by Darkmoon_Art


Contacts & Relations

Dmetor -- beloved -- mentor     Megera -- friend    

by Darkmoon_Art

Family Ties

  • Warsal
  • Agapia
  • Nefura
  • Mewbor
  • Jinar
  • Elori

by Darkmoon_Art

Religious Views

The Gods can burn for my part, I will not care if they fall, rise or simply disappeared. They took everything I loved. Through their chosen. So no I do not love or fear them, not anymore.

by Darkmoon_Art

Year of Birth
1550 50 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Gigantiaío vounó
Red Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rose beige
2,5 meters
120 kilograms
Greek Panthon
Known Languages
Ancient Greek

by Darkmoon_Art


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