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Snow White

Queen Snow White, of Apfelburg

Mental characteristics

Personal history


One snowy winter day her mother wondered into the forest near the city of Apfelburg. She had struggled to get pregnant for years now and she wished to become a mother so badly. The month before she had lost the young prince that was inside her belly, and although her husband, the king, didn't blame her. She was blaming herself. She stumbled on a field that was filled with large peonies and they were in full bloom. Although it had snowed the last couple of day's. But the proud bloom didn't mind the cold weather, however the color of the flowers were strange. Instead of the vibrant pink, they were black as the night. The queen crouched down to pick one, but pricked her finger on a thorn. Her blood fall upon the white snow. She came back to the city with the strange flower and a dwarf woman with bright white hair came up to her.  
Welcome back your highness, what a strange flower.
  The queen didn't know the woman, but was happy to have a little talk with someone. And she started to tell about the field full of the black peonies inside the forest. The dwarf woman nodded throughout the conversation, but didn't talk much. But when the queen stopped the woman sighed.  
I am sorry, my queen. But there are myths about this flower among the dwarf women, and none of them are good.
The queen was curious, she loved the dwarfs and their tales.  
Before the month has passed, you will find yourself with child. This time you will carry it full term.
So far this sounded not that bad.  
But you will give your life, while giving life.
The queen nodded, this indeed sounded not good. The woman apologized once more.  
What will happen to the child?
the queen really wanted to know if it was worth the cost. The dwarf woman looked at her with sad eyes.  
There will be a beautiful child, with black hair, white skin and blood-red lips. Their future after the birth is unclear, but if the Gods are willing they will grow up and be a center of attention.
With these words the woman left her. The queen made her way to the castle. She shared the story with the king, who played it off as superstition. But at the end of the month the queen found out that she was pregnant once again, and deep down she hoped that the woman was wrong and right at the same time.     The months passed, and the pregnancy went by without a hitch. Her water broke around the eight-month mark, and she went into labor. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, with a small dot of black hair and skin as white as snow.  
Congratulations, your highness. She is a vision. What is her name?
Snow White.
    But soon after the joyful moment where the king met his newborn daughter. Childbirth fever took hold over the queen, an illness that resulted into her death. The king was heartbroken and believed that the dwarf woman had cursed his wife. So he banned all the dwarfs from his kingdom.

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Father's second wife

Snow's father spend all his time with Snow when she was younger, but he met a woman during a ball. The woman was named Geraldine Myrrhe, and Snow liked the idea of having a mother figure inside her life. When Geraldine came to live with them, she brought her apples she herself had picked from the apple trees inside the palace gardens. She gifted Geraldine apple blossom for in her hair or to place them in a vase inside Geraldine's chambers. Geraldine always accepted her gifts with a huge smile on her face.  
Thank you so much, child. I will wear them with pride.
Snow loved Geraldine and wanted to make her feel welcome. Geraldine was beautiful herself, she was a tall woman with long brown hair and skin that looked like gold. The bright amber eyes that had followed her every move were always full of what Snow thought was love. The wedding happened in the spring, right after Snow had turned 10. That night was the beginning of Snow's nightmare.

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The next morning Snow woke up with the news that her father was dead and that Geraldine, the new queen was the one who murdered him. But because Snow was too young to inherent the throne, there was no other option then to give Geraldine her seat of power.   Geraldine in turn, turned on Snow. Showing her true colors, for the first time. Taking away all her toys, nice clothes, jewelry and even her own room. Geraldine banned her into a broom closet, gave her rags to wear and made her do all kinds of chores. Snow often pleaded with her stepmother for a hug or some other form of affection. But this was always punished with going to bed hungry. Everyone who tried to help Snow was fired from their position, and later when Snow was 14, they disappeared. It was strongly believed that they were murdered by the queen. This is how Snow lived her life for 10 years.

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On the night before Snow's twentieth birthday, Geraldine called upon the huntsman named Wolram Jäger. The man had served Snow's parents before he served the queen. Although he hated the woman, he never made his feelings known. He was not able to afford to vanish into thin air or getting killed. He was a single father of a daughter Emery Jäger, and he was all she got. Although he made sure that she was outside the queen's reach before he entered the castle.  
Huntsman, I have a job for you. One only you can perform.
The queen didn't even give him time to catch his breath. She never did, so that was no surprise there. Still this all was strange, what kind of job did he need to perform at night.  
Tomorrow morning, you will take the princess into the forest. Like you do every year. But once you are at the peony field, you will take this knife and kill her.
She gave him a special knife, on with the symbol of an apple on it. The symbol of the kingdom. He closed his eyes, the princess would turn twenty this year, so she was old enough to take her father's throne. But she couldn't do that when she was dead.  
Don't you dare refuse me, Wolram. It will not end well for your daughter, Emery was it?
He already knew that he didn't have a choice in the matter. But she was aiming for the only light in his world.  
I will do it, my queen.
Although he would hate himself for the rest of his life.     The following morning, he did as he was told and took Snow into the forest. It was something she had done when her father was still alive. But now she needed to take the journey alone, well not alone he was with her. But he was not her father, so it was not the same thing. They arrived at the peony field, he always got the creeps when he saw the black flowers. He had heard of the myth that surrounded the flowers, from dwarf and men both. And to be honest he was scared to come even close to them. Snow lay down a nice bouquet of apple blossoms, this was his chance. He walked closer, with the dagger already in his hand.  
You are going to kill me, aren't you?
Snow hadn't even turned around to look him in the eyes.
She has ordered my death, so that I am no longer able to take my father's throne.
Now she looked around and he looked straight into those big dark brown eyes. The knife felt out of his hands, he was not able to do it. He was not able to take her life.  
I do not have any choice in the matter. She threatened my daughter... But... But.... I can't kill you, princess. Not even when my daughter's life is on the line.
He lowered his head in shame, he was a sorry excuse for a father.
Run, run as far as you can. There are dwarfs living inside the mountains, and I know what your father told you. But believe me dwarfs do not hold that kind of power, I will send my daughter after you.
She wanted to go against him, but he took his bow and arrow and shot a deer that was walking nearby.
Run and never come back.

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Seven Dwarfs

Snow arrived in the mountains a few days after the incident, she was hungry, and tired. Tired that was an understatement, she was at the point of collapsing. And she did collapse, near the opening of a cave. When she woke up, she was inside a small house. She lay in one of seven beds.  
You are awake good.
A dwarf woman with bright white hair entered the bedroom.
I am Arda Frostbraids, I am the dwarf woman who according to your father has cursed your mother.
Snow had indeed heard about her. But according to the huntsman, dwarfs didn't hold such power.
Emery Jäger, has told use what happened and I am so sorry that this happened to you. You two are welcome to stay here, as long as you cook and clean the house.
That sounded like a fair deal, she was able to live after all.   The other six dwarfs came in, two other women and four men. Followed by a young girl, which Snow assumed was Emery, the huntsman's daughter. Six years past and she took care of the house, together with Emery. Six years they didn't have to worry about the queen that wanted Snow dead. Emery and she found out that they were not the only humans that lived inside the village of the dwarfs. A young man named Roger, lived there. He was a prince from another kingdom, that was taken over by his uncle who wanted him dead (because of his similarities with Outhor Hidha, we can make them cousins). Snow and he developed a romantic relationship.

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Murder Attempts

It has been six years, since the huntsman tried to fool her with a deer's heart. But she didn't care, with the help of her magic mirror she was able to locate Snow, and keep an eye on her. That foolish girl was cleaning and cooking, joining hands with men and dwarf. She was well out of the way, but she was still alive. Which meant that she was a threat, and Geraldine liked to be queen. She was a witch, who has master the dark powers, helped by the dark God Darorr. And he had told her that she wouldn't be happy as long Snow was breathing. But she knew there was no way that she could slit her throat, she couldn't have Snow's blood on her hands. This would backfire on her. So she set off, with a plan to finish the job that Wolram started. She found Snow alone at home, Emery was inside the village shopping. Geraldine had disguised herself as a merchant selling strings for corsets, who was traveling through the village. Snow was fooled by her and she started to lace Snow's corset really tight, so that Snow was not able to breathe. She went back home, believing that she was free. Only to be told by Darror that Snow was saved by Emery when she arrived home.   She needed another plan, poison came to her mind. She went back to the village and sold a poisoned comb to Roger, telling him that in her culture it was a symbol of ever lasting love. The fool believed her and gave the comb to Snow. This time Geraldine stuck around to see if her plan worked, only to see it fail once again. Emery saved Snow once again. Geraldine wished that she had killed the daughter of the huntsman, when she had the chance. But now she needed to rethink her tactic, now that Emery has saved Snow not once, but twice. She knew that poison was the right way to go, but not on objects. Her eyes fall upon the basket filled with apples, that was it.   The next morning she returned as an apple merchant this time, selling Emery the best apples the castle garden had to offer. She followed Emery home, and waited. Which was not long, it was a matter of seconds when Emery stormed out of the house screaming for help. Her plan had worked Snow White was dead.

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Glass Coffin

There was nothing the dwarfs could do with their magic, and Snow was pronounced dead. They build her a coven made out of glass. Roger however was not able to life without her. He kept begging the dwarfs for a week on end to give him some alone time with her. Because his own father had told him that true love can cure all wounds, but the dwarfs didn't let him. So he snuck into their house and her bedroom that she previously shared with Emery. He opened the glass coffin and kissed Snow. The poison of the apple disappeared and she came too. The dwarfs at first were horrified, by Roger's actions. But where then overjoyed that their beloved princess was back.
This is the third close call, my princess. I think someone from your past knows that you are still breathing the air.
Snow knew that Arda was right. Geraldine knew that she was alive and would never stop. So they needed to put a stop to her. So it was time to come out of hiding and to take back what was hers.

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Taking over the Kingdom

Taking over the kingdom was not that difficult, once the whole kingdom joined in. Roger, Emery and Snow chased Geraldine up the tower. Where she tried to kill them, but she failed. Slipped and fall through a window towards her death. Roger and Snow got married soon after that, and they were crowned king and queen.   And they all lived happily ever after, or did they?  

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Snow's father when he was still alive tried his best to educate his daughter, he had brought in the best tutors from the kingdom. Hired nannies that took care of her basic needs.  

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Mental Trauma

After all this abuse and murder attempts you would say that she is left with some trauma.    
I do not know what to tell you, my king. But your wife has being through a lot. She lost her father and her childhood to a cruel woman. That will leave some marks.
— Arda

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Snow White is currently the Queen of Apfleburg, she rules together with her husband Roger. It has being two years since they defeated Geraldine.

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Contacts & Relations


  • Arda Frostbraids
  • Folke Merrybrow
  • Yorigit Drakegut
  • Hersun Barrelguard
  • Burghild Mountainjaw
  • Nakram Woldfinger
  • Azmon Hardhood


  • Wolram Jäger
  • Emery Jäger
  • Roger White
  • Geraldine Myrrhe

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Family Ties


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess of Apples   Queen of Apfleburg
Year of Birth
1574 26 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Wanted, whished for by mother.
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Palace of Apfleburg
Dark brown
Long Black hair, which she always wears up.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
The church of Biius, God of Apples, Children and Light Magic
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Castle guard
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