In Missions
New Beginnings
Things of NoteBorder town between [Shonians] and [Kerenskies]
Major Port
[29 Tactics] - old navy bar
[Grand Water lounge] - merchant navy hang out
People of noteHarbour master -[Bristor Mason] - concierge - wick
Cropped copper hair and dark blue eyes. He wears an old Kerensky navy uniform. Bristor is fascinated by death and looking forward to the coming war.
[29 tactics] bar tender- [Manda Jackson] - Salarian
Has violet hair and white eyes. She wears a silver jumpsuit and carries a stunner for this bar. Manda is fascinated by computers and electronics.
[Grand Water lounge] bar - [Wardy Leman] UPPITY
Tall and slender, with long red hair and blue eyes. He wears current fashion. Wardy dislikes anyone smaller than him.
Things of Note
People of note
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