Ethan's Benefactors Organization in Evoris- The Summoned Realm | World Anvil
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Ethan's Benefactors

No base or hierarchy exists in Ethan’s Benefactors. People can join and leave at will. It is a secret society that performs revenge schemes that range from thievery to contractual assassinations. It’s an expansive network who all contribute in small ways to achieve a goal. It’s leaderless, but it is said that the Deva, Ethan, started it to provide the impoverished in The Summoned Realms a way to make an impact.

Public Agenda

Ethan's Benefactors work toward a better life for the common folk. They remind nobility and government that they have someone to answer to if they harm their people. Generally, they are not public, but many attribute the misfortunes of nobility to them.

I've done my part, I'm out.

Guild, Assassins

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