Tähtkuju Organization in Evoris- The Summoned Realm | World Anvil
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Each group is named after different constellations. They’ve been around since the beginning of The Summoned Realm. Their purpose is to protect the natural world, whether that’s protecting nature from civilization or defending against portals from other planes. Viima (vee-ma) is the title of the leader of each tribe.


• Linnutee (Lin-oo-tay): bird; Gwydr Timber, Ceshules; Circle of Twilight
• Karu (car-oo): bear; Roaming Tiaga, Ushon; Circle of the Shepard
• Kala: fish; Onai, The Fractured Islands; Circle of the Moon
• Hobu (ho-boo): horse; Knight Meadow, Taskenia; Circle of the Land   Leaders were chosen by the tribe and thus remained leaders as long as the tribe needed them.


In 6,000 AS, Ceshules had an even more free practice of religion than they do now. So much so that the Demon Lord Baphomet was almost unleashed on the material plane. Thanks to fast acting heroes, including the Tähtkuju Druids, the portal was sealed; although, many believe that the close encounter to the Abyss turned the surrounding land and animals wilder.
Druidic Circle

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