Fi Fo Fum On This Mutha Fuckaaas

Summer 2021, Week 3

Sunday evening

Machelini's Restaurant, Loyalist Bluffs


Out of town, out of place. It was unmistakable, how foreign this... 'man' was to these parts. Not just the city itself, but somehow even more out of place in this district. Beleth, he asked for a table, and for a meal. He sat in a booth, the table scraping loudly as it was forced to make space for the intruder making this restaurant his own. Resting his weapons by his side, he ordered plate after plate of food. Weapons weren't allowed, but who would tell him ‘No'?   It was clear the patrons were uncomfortable with such a sight, unpleasant only in way of an affront to their ego, but nonetheless an annoyance, a problem. The employees would likely seek some form of help removing this man, but they would bring his orders for now... no. He stood up, the table sliding even further, and reached into a satchel. Patrols looked in fear, some ran out, and he pulled a bar of gold from concealment. Placing this gold bar on the table, he grabbed his weapons, adjusted his cloak, and left through the front doors. Sirens could be heard, far, but closing in. He began to walk, searching yet again for The One.
Record, Historical
Digital Recording, Text
Authoring Date
July 4, 2021


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