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House Potions & Spell Scrolls

Caster characters may learn to make potions with magical effects. Potions generally approximate abilities cast by spells, but they are either more powerful or last longer than the spell. To this end, players may generally learn to make potions of one level higher than spells that they can master. As with spells, players may master potions, and they may attempt to make potions of a higher level than they can master. For example, a 5th-level player who can master 3rd-level spells can also master 4th-level potions and may attempt to make 5th-level potions. Most potion ingredients do not need to be tracked individually and are instead tracked simply as "Alchemist's Supplies". Every potion, however, has at least one vital ingredient which is either expensive to purchase or dangerous to obtain. Also, unless stated otherwise by the DM, potions take one hour to brew.
  • Alchemist’s Supplies 50 SP (sufficient ingredients for 5 potions)
VITAL INGREDIENTS OVERVIEW: Vital potion ingredients can either be purchased from vendors or harvested from monsters and other magical creatures by players who have skill with potion-making tools. The below table provides a guide for determining the cost of vital ingredients by potion level. The table also provides a recommended challenge rating (CR) level for monsters and other magical creatures from which the vital ingredient must be harvested. Finally, the below table lists the recommended DC (d20 roll + Proficiency Bonus + INT modifier) required to successfully brew 2nd-9th level potions.
  • 2nd Level Ingredient (CR 1-2) 10 SP, DC 12
  • 3rd Level Ingredient (CR2-4) 20 SP, DC 13
  • 4th Level Ingredient (CR5-7) 40 SP, DC 14
  • 5th Level Ingredient (CR8-11) 80 SP, DC 15
  • 6th Level Ingredient (CR12-14) 250 SP, DC 16
  • 7th Level Ingredient (CR15-17) 500 SP, DC 18
  • 8th Level Ingredient (CR18-20) 1,000 SP, DC 20
  • 9th Level Ingredient (CR21+) 3,000 SP, DC 22
VITAL INGREDIENT BY POTION: The below list outlines which vital potion ingredient is required by each potion, as well as the recommended cost of purchasing the potion from someone else.  
Level 2 Potions (60-75 SP)
  • Potion of Climbing (2nd) -Giant Spider web sack
  • Potion of Darkvision (2nd)-Ettercap Urine
  • Potion of Enlarge/Reduce (2nd) -Mimic Guano
  • Potion of Enhance Ability (2nd) –Dragon Wyrmling Scales
  • Potion of Gentle Repose (2nd) – Ghoul Tongue
  • Potion of Invisibility (2nd) – Specter Essence/Essence of Ghost
  • Potion of Levitate (2nd) – Imp Guano
  • Potion of Lesser Restoration (2nd) – Ground Troll Tooth
  • Potion of See Invisibility (2nd) – Pair of Grimlock Ears
  • Philter of Love (2nd) – Lock of Hair from the intended recipient
  • Potion of Healing (2nd) -Troll Fat (2 oz)
  • Potion of Mind Reading (2nd) – Intellect Devourer Brain
  • Potion of Resistance (2nd) –Quasit Saliva
  • Potion of Truth Telling (2nd) – Ground Pegasus Hoof Clipping
Level 3 Potions (120-150 SP)
  • Potion of Feign Death (3rd) -Gargoyle Tooth
  • Potion of Fly (3rd)-Dragon Wyrmling Blood
  • Potion of Gaseous Form (3rd) – Essence of Will-O-Wisp
  • Potion of Greater Healing (3rd) -Troll Liver (2 oz)
  • Potion of Hill Giant Strength (STR 21) (2nd) – Hill Giant Chest Hair
  • Potion of Speed (3rd) -Saber Toothed-Tiger Adrenaline
  • Potion of Meld into Stone (3rd) – Gargoyle Horn
  • Potion of Remove Curse (3rd) – Hag Blood
  • Potion of Speak with Dead (3rd) – Ghast Tongue
  • Potion of Nondetection (3rd) – Couatle Skin
  • Potion of Tongues (3rd) – Gibbering Mouther Saliva
  • Potion of Protection from Energy (3rd) – Dragon Wyrmling Urine
  • Potion of Water Breathing (3rd) – Merrow Blood
Level 4 Potions (240-300 SP)
  • Potion of Greater Invisibility (4th) – Essence of Invisible Stalker
  • Potion of Polymorph (4th) – A hair or nail clipping from the intended target
  • Potion of Stoneskin (4th) – Stone Giant Nail Clippings
  • Potion of Frost/Stone Giant Strength (STR 23) (4th) – Frost/Stone Giant Chest Hair
  • Potion of Superior Healing (4th) -Troll Kidney
  • Oil of Slipperiness (4th) – Essence of Air Elemental
Level 5 Potions (420-525 SP)
  • Potion of Fire Giant Strength (STR 25) (2nd) – Fire Giant Chest Hair
  • Potion of Supreme Healing (5th) - Troll Heart
  • Potion of Greater Restoration (5th) -A Hydra Heart Chamber (1 of 4)
  • Potion of Raise Dead (5th) – Deva Heart and the lifeblood of a non-evil humanoid
Level 6 Potions (600-750 SP)
  • Potion of True Sight (6th) -Adult Dragon Tears
  • Oil of Etherealness (6th) – Planetar Feathers
Level 7 Potions (1,200-1,500 SP)
  • Potion of Cloud Giant Strength (STR 27) (7th) – Cloud Giant Chest Hair
  • Oil of Sharpness – Dragon Turtle Tooth
  • Potion of Regeneration (7th) – Vampire Blood
  • Potion of Resurrection (7th) – Planetar Heart, Diamond Dust worth 1,000 SP, and the lifeblood of a virgin
Level 8 Potions (2,400-3,000 SP)
  • Potion of Glibness (8th) – Androsphinx Saliva
  • Potion of Intellect Fortress (Mind Blank) (8th) – Androsphinx Blood
  • Potion of Telepathy (8th) – Elder Brain Cerebral Fluid
Level 9 Potions (4,800-6,000 SP)
  • Potion of Felix Felices (foresight) (9th) – Lich Tooth
  • Potion of Storm Giant Strength (STR 29) (9th) – Storm Giant Chest Hair
  • Potion of Shapechange (9th) – Doppleganger Blood and Ruby Dust worth 4,000 SP
  • Potion of True Transformation (permanently rearrange points for three attributes) (9th) Gold dragon tooth and diamond dust worth 3,000 SP
  • Potion of True Resurrection (9th) – Solar Heart, Diamond Dust worth 3,500 SP, and the lifeblood of an infant
*NOTE: The 9th level potions of Felix Felices, True Transformation, and True Resurrection may only be used once without dire consequences. Before subsequent uses, the user must roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the individual dies outright and cannot be resurrected.
  • Cantrip: Common - 50 SP
  • 1st Level: Common - 100 SP
  • 2nd Level: Uncommon - 250 SP
  • 3rd Level: Uncommon - 500 SP
  • 4th Level: Rare - 1,000 SP
  • 5th Level: Rare - 2,000 SP
  • 6th Level: Very Rare - 4,000 SP
  • 7th Level: Very Rare - 8,000 SP
  • 8th Level: Very Rare - 16,000 SP
  • 9th Level: Legendary - 32,000 SP

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