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House Spells

  • DEAFEN: (Enchantment, 1 action, 20 feet, 1 round). You select up to 5 creatures within range. The targeted creatures may make a WIS savings throw. On a failed save, the creatures suffer from the Deafened condition for one round of combat. Any creature who is Deafened automatically fails on a check or a saving throws that requires hearing.
  • PIMPLE JINX: (1 action, 30 feet, 1 hour) The target of the Jinx must succeed on a DEX or CON saving throw or have their face erupt in ugly painful pimples. If affected, the target’s CHA score decreases by 2 points for one hour or until the jinx is countered with a lesser restoration spell or similar magic. If this spell is successfully cast more than one time on the same target, the spell has no additional effect.

  • LESSER COUNTERSPELL: (1 reaction, which you take when you sense a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell, Instantaneous) You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a cantrip, its spell fails and does not have the desired effect. If the creature is casting a spell of 1st level or higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. This check is then contested by the caster who makes an ability check using their spellcasting ability + TWICE the level of the spell. If your adjusted roll is higher than the caster’s adjusted roll, the spell fails and does not have the desired effect. If the caster’s adjusted roll is higher than your adjusted roll, however, the spell succeeds.
  • BLINDING FLASH WITH THUNDER: (Evocation 1 action, 30 feet) You conjure a brief but blinding flash of light at a spot on the ground that you can see which is within 30 feet of you. The flash of light is accompanied by a deafening sound of thunder which can be heard up to 300 feet away. With the exception of the caster, all creatures within 20 feet of the light that have a direct line of sight, must make a WIS saving throw or be blinded for one round and deafened for 2 rounds. A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage and the creature's attack rolls have disadvantage.
  • JELLY LEGS JINX: (1 Action, 30 feet) The target of the spell must make a WIS saving throw or fall prone and suffer from the restrained condition until the end of the target’s following turn.

  • EXPELLIARMUS: (1 action, 60 feet) The caster identifies 1 target within range that it can see. The caster chooses one object that weighs up to 15 pounds and is being held by the target. The target must make an INT or STR saving throw. On a failed save, the object flies out of its grasp and to the ground 15 feet from the target (caster’s choice of directions). If the item is being held in both hands by the target, the target may make the savings throw with advantage.
  • PETRIFICUS TOTALUS: (1 action, 10 feet, concentration, up to 1 hour) A target that you can see that is within range and is no more than one size larger than you must succeed on a CON or WIS saving throw or become bound (petrified). The bound victim’s body is temporarily held in a position much like that of a soldier at attention and the victim falls to the ground prone where it can’t move or speak. In this state, the victim can still hear and think and is completely aware of their surroundings. While thud bound, attack rolls against the creature have advantage and the creature automatically fails STR and DEX saving throws. The target may make an additional savings throw at the beginning of each of its turns or whenever the target takes damage. If the target takes damage, it rolls its saving throw with advantage. After three failures, the target remains bound for the duration of the spell.
  • SILENCIO: (1 action, 60 feet, 1 round) You point at one creature that you can see that is within range. That creature makes an INT or STR svg throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, the creature cannot speak or cast spells that require verbal components for one round. When cast at higher levels, the effects last for one additional round per higher level of spell slot used.
  • STUPEFY: (1 action, 60 feet) A humanoid that you can see that is within range must succeed on a CON savings throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn. A stunned humanoid is incapacitated and can’t move. The humanoid can speak only falteringly. The humanoid automatically fails STR and DEX savings throws and attack rolls against the humanoid have advantage. Also, on a success, the caster rolls a 1d20. On a roll of 20, the target is knocked unconscious for one minute or until the humanoid takes damage or someone uses their action to shake or slap the unconscious humanoid awake. When cast at higher levels, the effects last for 1 additional round (and minute) per higher level of spell slot used.

  • EXPECTO PATRONUM: (1 action, 10 feet/120 feet, up to 1 minute) You project your most positive feelings into a corporeal Patronus. Your corporeal Patronus is a spirit guardian which generally takes the shape of the animal with whom you share the deepest affinity. As you conjure the Patronus, a wisp of silver escapes your wand and hovers as mist in an unoccupied space within 10 feet of you. The silvery mist then assumes the shape of your corporeal Patronus, and any fiends or undead within 30 feet of it must make a WIS saving throw against your spell save DC or be turned. If the creature is turned, it flees from the Patronus for one minute or until it takes damage. The Patronus then chases the turned fiends or undead away from your location until 1) the spell ends, or 2) the Patronus moves out of your sight.
  • REVIVIFY: (Diamonds worth 300 sp, which the spell consumes, 1 action, touch) You touch a creature that has died within the last minute. You then roll a D6.
  1. On a roll of 1-2 or less, the creature returns to life as a Strahd Zombie.
  2. On a roll of 3-4, the creature’s body returns to life without its soul.
  3. On a roll of 5-6, the creature returns to life with 1 hit point.
This spell can’t return to life a creature that has died of old age, nor can it restore any missing body parts.

  • UMLINDI BOND: (1 minute, touch, diamond dust worth 1,000 gold, duration: until broken by death or dissolved or passed to another wizard by the same spell) You roll 1d20 and spend one minute creating a powerful bond with one willing humanoid. The humanoid must be of your alignment and through the bond, he/she also becomes your Umlindi. The bond provides the following benefits to the Umlindi:
  1. A +1 bonus to the Umlindi’s AC
  2. A +3 bonus to the Umlindi's constitution score
  3. The additional fighting style of PROTECTION (which does not require the use of a shield, but can only be used to benefit you)
  4. The Elven TRANCE ability (meditate deeply remaining semiconscious for 4 hours daily). Alternately, if the Umlindi is an Elf, he or she gains one damage resistance of his/her choice.
  5. The ability to sense when undead, fiends, or aberrations are within 100 feet.
  6. The ability to generally sense the distance and direction to you (you also obtain this ability)
Although the Umlindi bond provides many benefits, it also provides the following drawbacks:
  1. Upon rolling a 1 while attempting to create the Umlindi bond, both you and the intended Umlindi dies
  2. Anytime you take psychic damage, your Umlindi also suffers 1d10 psychic damage
  3. If you fall unconscious, your Umlindi first attempts to save you at all costs. After doing this, your Umlindi suffers short-term madness for (1d10 rounds). This madness is characterized as follows: The character must use his/her action each round to attack the nearest creature that it would consider an enemy (of opposite alignment).
  4. If you die, your Umlindi loses the above-mentioned benefits and suffers from a kind of permanent madness that makes him/her behave recklessly while endlessly seeking revenge for your death. This madness lasts until the Umlindi is healed through a greater restoration spell or is re-bonded to another caster.
  5. If your Umlindi dies, you take psychic damage equal to (1d4-1) x your level. If you survive this, you suffer from a madness described as follows: “I find it hard to care about anything that goes on around me.” This madness lasts for 1d12 months, and you are unable to bond with another Umlindi until you no longer suffer this condition.

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