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Nortland • (Humans, Goblins, House Elves, Orcs, and Goliaths) • Magical • Capital City - Folkmassen • Cold climate • Nordic Warriors/raiders
Nortland History
Music & Ambiance:
  • Approximately 300 years ago, Nortlanders migrated northward and conquered Nortland. They seized the land from House Elf and Nortland Goblin; enslaving them.
  • The conquering Nortland High king sought to harness House Elf and Goblin magic instead of destroying it, so he founded the Akadamie der Zaubereye.
  • The years that followed were filled with Goblin revolts and Nortlander invasions of foreign lands.
  • High King Erick has ruled Nortland for the past 20 years. Erick’s father Rurik instituted peace with most neighboring countries and has outlawed raiding.
Nortland Social Structure/Tribes The country is divided into the following three basic social classes:
  • Jarls (5%)
  • Karls (75%)
  • Thralls (20%)
High King Erick and the Hoer Rat rule Nortland from the capitol city Folkmassen. The Rat includes the following ministers:
  • Minister of State (trade/foreign relations/intelligence)
  • Minister of Magic (Magic)
  • Minister of War (military/defense)
  • Minister of Domestic Affairs (common social programs)
  • Minister of Justice (law and rules)
There are 7 Nortlander Tribes. They are each ruled by a High Jarl. High Jarls typically rule their tribes from the tribe’s largest town. High Jarls receive fealty and support from Jarls who rule each village in the territory they control. The 7 Nortlander tribes are outlined as follows:

  • Tribe of the Elk (Algstad) – largest tribe and the ruling tribe
  • Tribe of the Bear (Bjornstad) – Second largest tribe/unfriendly to magic users/disaffected with the High King. Known for their berserker warriors.
*Note: The leader of the Tribe of the Bear is High Jarl Svend. High Jarl Svend's brother, Housecarl, and closest advisor is Frode. Until he was kidnapped, Frode tempered Svend’s volatile nature. Frode was on a secret mission to discuss peace terms with the High Jarl of the Tribe of the Owl when he was kidnaped by Zald and other members of the Mangy Pony who then delivered him to Zentha in Zaubereye.
  • Tribe of the Wolf (Vargstad) – Split in support of the tribe of the Elk and the tribe of the Bear. Known for their warriors and their organized fighting formations.
  • Tribe of the Lynx (Lodjurstad) – Split in support of the tribe of the Elk and the tribe of the Bear. Known for their scouts.
  • Tribe of the Beaver (Baverstad) – A mostly landlocked tribe, supporters of the tribe of the Elk. Known for their excellent builders. The tribe of the Beaver is the only tribe that uses horseback warriors or maintains stone fortresses.
  • Tribe of the Owl (Ugglastad) – Supporters of the tribe of the Elk. Led by High Jarl Halfdan, the tribe of the Owl is the most friendly tribe towards witches and wizards.
  • Tribe of the Whale (Valstad) – Mostly supporters of the tribe of the Elk, the tribe of the Whale lives on islands. They are whalers and do not farm. They are excellent shipbuilders and navigators.
Nortland Villages
Nortland Villages are typically populated by 100-1,000 people with 20-200 families (and therefore at least 20-200 warriors). Nortlander villages are made up of the following social structures:   Jarls: (Nortlander Nobility; Only 5% of the population are Jarls)  
  • Jarls (Chief)
  • The chief’s family members
  • Houscarls (the chief's close friends, armsmen, and shield maidens)
Karls: (Nortlander freemen; the vast majority (75%) of the population) Many Karls are warriors who maintain fenced homesteads with a Longhouse and several outbuildings.
Farmers (About 90% of Karls are farmers and their family members). The following items describe the daily life of Nortlander Karls:
  • cows, oxen, sheep and pigs
  • Hay cut by scythes for the winter
  • Livestock driven to pastures at higher elevations in late summer and early fall (assisting shepherds received no wages, only room and board)
  • Cheese and curds made by each family
  • Staple crops – Barley, rye, and oats
  • Woodworking and smithing are done on each farm
  • Feasts, gatherings, and storytelling were welcome
  • Healthy adult male Karls are frequently called to arms by their Jarl
Specialists (Only 10% of Karls are specialists). The following is a list of Nortlander specialists:
  • Witches/wizards
  • Gothi (shamans)
  • Poets/scribes
  • Shipbuilders
  • Innkeepers
  • Professional weapon and armor smiths
  • Professional leatherworkers
  • Glassblowers
  • Tailors
  • Jeweler
  • Potters
  • Apothecary Archaics
  • Merchants
  Thralls: (Nortlander servants and slaves; approximately 20% of the population are Thralls) Nortlander Thralls include the following:  
  • House elves (10%)
  • Goblins (10%)
  • Native Nortlanders (10%)
  • Outlanders (60%)

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