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Solitudinem History
Solitudinem was founded as a colony of Valland between 3,000 and 4,000 years ago. At the height of the Vallantis Empire, Solitudinem was ruled by a vast and powerful city of the same name. The city attracted scholars, scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, artists, and historians. Shortly after the meteor struck Valland, the empire began to unravel. During the turmoil which ensued, and less than 20 years later, a monstrous warrior race from the southern continent gathered in mass and wiped Solitudinem off the map.     Before the bestial army could continue northward to attack Valland, however, a federation of armies led by Valland counterattacked and seized back the city. Solitudinem remained only a military garrison for the next 1,000 years. During that time, there was endless fighting, and the garrison was overrun multiple times. This period is often known as The Millenia War. After the conflict lessened, the city began to flourish once again.     Approximately 700 years ago, Solitudinem became an independent country. It is now a Stratocracy, which is ruled by a council of three generals called Legats. Solitudinem maintains strong alliances with Valland, Usturi, and Toro. These countries have maintained their long-standing practice of sending Solitudinem grain and other supplies to support them. In recent years, however, leaders in each country have questioned the practice.
Solitudinem Social Structure/Hierarchy
Solitudinem is a very hierarchical and structured society where everyone has a purpose, and everyone works hard to achieve that purpose. The rule of law is strong in Solitudinem and justice has a long arm and is meted out swiftly. Solitudinem is not a large city and there are but few surrounding villages. The entire population of the country is less than 50,000 people, with approximately 30,000 living in the immediate areas around the city.
The country is divided into the following three basic social classes:
  1. Prefects (2%) – Legats, Umkathi (Way of Havoc), Umkathi (Way of Restoration), Umlindi, Centurions
  2. Bellators (38%) – Legionnaires
  3. Artifex (60%) – Craftsmen, Farmers, Etc.
All members of society are valued and protected, but the frontline warriors are most prized. This caste mentality is dependent on ability rather than entitlement, and caste roles may change rapidly if ability is shown. At an early age, children are sorted according to their abilities and inclinations. At the age of 10, children begin a broad apprenticeship program that lasts 7 years. Thereafter they participate in a 3-year apprenticeship program to master their final trade. During the first 7 years, children are traded among programs according to their abilities and inclinations. Caste rolls may still change after completing an apprenticeship, however. For example, brave Artifex who demonstrates courage under attack, can be made into Bellators while retired or disfigured Bellators often become Artifex. After completing their internship program, an Artifex may pay to complete a second internship lasting three years in order to change careers. All Artifex are trained as skilled laborers. Unskilled labor is only performed as a legal punishment.

Solitudinem Magic
Magic is highly prized in Solitudinem; though it is more often a trait that is sought after in women than men. The Belludem (Mage academy) was originally founded when the city was established. It was refurbished and returned to service around 1,500 years ago, during the middle of the Millenia War. The refounding of the Belludem led to the birth of the Umkathi. Umkathi are powerful sorcerers who are sworn to protect the city of Solitudinem. They are frequently recognized by the golden rings around the irises of their eyes.   Because Umkathi are so highly prized for their use of magic in battle, a portion of the Belludem tower and grounds eventually became a testing and training ground for elite warriors called Umlindi On these grounds, only the most promising men and women are selected and trained to serve as protectors for Umkathi. Once fully trained, Umlindi are thought by many to be the most lethal warriors that exist across the continent Evropi. Umlindi are not considered fully trained until they are bonded to an Umkathi via powerful magic. This process, though sometimes deadly, provides the Umlindi with unparalleled stamina and other useful traits. Umlindi are frequently recognized by their irises which are flecked with gold.  
Solitudinem Economy
All Prefects and Bellators are paid directly by the state. Fully trained but low-ranking Bellators are paid 2 sp per day, while Prefects may earn as much as 10 gp per day. Artifex are trained by the state until the age of 20. Thereafter, few Artifex are employed by the state. Most ply their trades to make money. To maintain a “fair trade"" system, the state has instituted the following regulations:
  • The state receives support from Valland, Torro, and Usturi in the form of gifted raw materials each year.
  • The major sources of revenue for the state include:
Spoils of war, production by apprentices, money from fines, and taxes to foreign merchants (taxed by ship).
  • All unskilled labor is performed by violators of the law.
  • All Artifex must be certified by the state, having completed the necessary three-year internship.
  • All Artifex are capable of producing goods and services approaching or surpassing the Ëxpertly Crafted" level.
  • Given the laws of time and production, Atifex are not authorized to work full-time as merchants. All Artifex are required to meet a quota (equal to 3 days of work per week) to provide for the needs of Solitudinem citizens and the state. The remaining time may be spent producing goods or services for extra profit.
  • Quotas are carefully calculated by the work-specific guilds which provide the training
  • Prices for citizens are fixed at “fair rates" by the state
  • Each citizen receives an official document each year to authorize and record a certain number of purchases of goods and services at the fixed rate.
  • Other purchases may be made at the foreign rate".
Although the economy of Solitudinem is functional, it also has several weaknesses as outlined below:
  • Solitudinem is dependent on foreign countries to feed its people".
  • Solitudinem has been forced to offer merchants from Valland, Torro, and Usturi better tax rates than other merchants.
  • Solitudinem is dependent on child labor (apprentices).
  • Solitudinem is dependent on periodic conquest and/or tomb raiding: Often, this is done by sending a Legionnaire company at a time to campaign abroad as a mercenary force.
  • Solitudinem often loses Artifex who move to other locales to earn better pay once fully trained.
  • Solitudinem criminals sometimes form robber bands and pirate crews in the surrounding areas: The pirates are particularly successful as Solitudinem does not maintain a navy.
  • Some citizens break laws and forge documents to become more powerful and wealthy though there are no real functioning thieves' guilds in the city.
  • Foreign merchants often set up powerful trade conglomerates which take advantage of Solitudinem's laws and practices. These merchants are often seen as parasitic by the Bellators while they provide significant wealth to many Artifex.
Solitudinem Legal Code
*If fines cannot be paid in coin or goods, they must be paid to the state in the form of hard labor at a rate of 1sp per day. While performing hard labor, food and shelter are provided for by the state.   CRIMES AGAINST SOLITUDINEM:
  • Arson:
o Death in the case of murder, or hard labor up to 1 year, with fines and/or damages covering the cost of repairs plus 200 sp
  • Brandishing weapons without due cause:
o Fine up to 100 sp
  • Espionage:
o death or permanent exile
  • Falling asleep while on watch
o Flogging and hard labor up to a year
  • Fencing stolen goods:
o Flogging and fine equal to 5 times the value of the stolen goods
  • Forgery of an official document:
o Flogging, payment of 100 sp or hard labor
  • Hampering justice:
o fine up to 1,000 sp or hard labor
  • Illegal trade of goods:
o Flogging and fine up to the twice the cost of the traded goods
  • Insubordination
o Flogging and hard labor up to a tenday
  • Littering:
o fine up to 20 sp
  • Loitering/failure to work
o Hard labor/exile up to 1 year
  • Poisoning a city well:
o death
  • Theft:
o flogging and payment of 5 times the value of stolen goods to the owner and hard labor
  • Treason:
o death
  • Working without proper licensure
o Fine up to 100 sp or hard labor
  • Vandalism:
o Flogging and damages covering the cost of repairs plus up to 100 sp
  • Assaulting or impersonating a prefect:
o Flogging and banishment, up to 10 years
  • Blackmailing a prefect:
o flogging and banishment, up to 5 years
  • Bribery or attempted bribery of a prefect:
o Banishment up to 5 years and fine up to double the bribe amount or hard labor
  • Murder of a prefect:
o death
  • Using magic to influence a prefect without consent:
o Flogging and fine up to 1,000 sp   CRIMES AGAINST BELLATORS:
  • Assaulting or impersonating a Bellator:
o Flogging and banishment, up to 5 years
  • Blackmailing a Bellator:
o flogging and hard labor up to 3 months
  • Bribery or attempted bribery of a Bellator:
o Flogging and fine up to double the bribe amount
  • Murder of a Bellator:
o In combat: Payment of blood price (500 sp) to the victim’s kin or hard labor o With subterfuge: Exile
  • Using magic to influence a bellator without consent:
o imprisonment up to a 10 day, and fine or damages up to 200 sp
  • Assaulting an artifex:
o flogging, and damages up to 100 sp
  • Blackmailing or intimidating an artifex:
o Flogging and fine or damages up to 100 sp
  • Burglary:
o Flogging and payment of 5 times the value of the stolen goods plus hard labor
  • Damaging property or livestock:
o damages covering 5 times the cost of repairs or replacement
  • Disturbing the peace:
o fine up to 250 sp
  • Murdering an artifex without justification:
o Flogging, hard labor up to 2 years, and payment of the blood price of 500 sp paid to the victim’s kin
  • Murdering an artifex with justification:
o payment of the blood price of 500 sp paid to the victim’s kin
  • Robbery:
o Flogging, hard labor up to 1 month and damages equal to 5 times the value of the stolen goods plus a fine of up to 100sp
  • Slavery:
o flogging and hard labor up to 1 year
  • Using magic to influence an artifex without consent:
o fine or damages up to 100 sp

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