
A Hearthstone is a crystal of solidified Essence, typically the size of a chicken egg, that forms in the hearth-room of a Manse. They have a rating from 1 to 5, usually the same as and never higher than that of the Manse they are created by. If a character is attuned to a Manse and has been touching its Hearthstone for at least a full day (or placed it in the socket of an artifact they are attuned to for at least a day) then each time they regain their daily Essence they also gain an extra 2x rating Essence tokens, refreshing has no extra effect. These extra tokens are lost if they stop touching the Hearthstone or de-attune from the artifact (and can only be used while touching the artifact if in a socket) and only one person can benefit from a hearthstone at a time. If in the Manse the stone comes from this is replaced by the normal benefit of being attuned to a Manse.

If the hearthstone (of an attuned Manse) is in the socket of an artifact the character is attuned to then it also grants the character an ability they can use while touching the artifact. To determine what this power is and how to control it requires an hours close study of the stone by someone with both Occult 3 and Lore 3 and either a Charm like All-Encompassing Sorcerers Sight or a Lore roll with a difficulty of the Hearthstone rating.


Known Hearthstones

Fire Aspected

Hearthstone: Gemstone of Last Resort, Fire 2

A smooth dull-brown stone speckled with black. The bearer cannot have physical consequences invoked against them until they are taken out.

Water Aspected

Hearthstone: Seacalm Gemstone, Water 4
Fist sized drop of azure seawater in stasis that brings the wielder incredible luck at sea. Totally protects the wielders ship from weather-related mishaps (so they might be attacked by pirates or hit a shoal, but they can sail with full sails through a gale with not even a ripped sail)

Wood Aspected

Hearthstone: Opal of the Hunted, Wood 2
Sphere of green and violet opal flecked with gold. Grants +2 Awareness to detect ambushes, +1 to Defence vs unexpected attacks and +3 to evade tracking or pursuit.

Abyssal Aspected

Hearthstone:Life Draining Stone, Abyssal 1
This polished, deep-purple teardrop becomes blood red in direct sunlight. Once per scene as an action can try to affect some or all of the characters present with unnatural weariness. Roll Occult vs 0 to create the aspect "listless and tired", relative scale as per the highest of those affected. All those affected roll Resistance, if they roll equal or higher then aspect does not apply to them. The aspect vanishes the next time they sleep.
Item type