
In the world of Exalted, the following language families exist:
  • High Realm The language of the Dragon-Blooded nobles and their servitors. Also a common trade language in those areas where representatives of the Realm could be found - which is everywhere.
  • Low Realm The speech of the Realm’s commoners.
  • Riverspeak The language of the Scavenger Lands. Also a trade language and the lingua franca of the outer Threshold, full of loan words and used by almost every trader and merchant.
  • Skytongue A language family spoken in the Threshold regions of the North.
  • Flametongue A language family spoken in the Threshold regions of the South.
  • Seatongue A language family spoken in the Threshold archipelagoes of the West.
  • Forest-tongue A language family spoken in the Threshold region of the East.
  • Tribal Tongues (various) Languages spoken by groups of barbarians. For each "family" purchased, a character may know up to 4 tribal tongues (e.g. Delzahn, Arczeckhi, or South-West Islander).
  • Guild Cant A secret language spoken only by members of the Guild.
  • Old Realm The language of the Old Realm. This is the language of many oral and written spells, as well as the language of First Age tomes. Characters must have Lore +1 or greater to purchase this language, but it is a common trade language for those that do. Old Realm is also the language of choice for spirits, demons and the Fair Folk.

Most Threshold written languages use variants or bastardisations of Old Realm Glyphs, some tribal tongues have no written form. Characters with Lore 1+ are literate in all languages they speak

Speakers of the various trade languages can be found almost anywhere, even a village will likely have some-one who can understand simple requests in one of them. How many languages a character speaks is controlled by their Linguistics rating