
Mortal humans are amongst the weakest creatures that walk Creation, to represent the power differential we will be using rules for Scale which can represent the raw power of a god, the super human strength and genius of an experienced Exalt or the overwhelming numbers of a Legion of mortal troops.

Usually only the highest level of Scale a character can claim applies to a roll, and they might have different levels of Scale for different activities - for instance a particular Storm Mother might have Scale 4 for weather magics but only 2 for personal combat.

Unit or group size are cumulative with other sources of Scale, as long as the Unit or group is the character that is rolling - if you are fighting 5 Shark Men then each is a seperate Scale 1 opponent, but if you are making a Socialise roll to convince their entire village to stop attacking shipping flying a yellow flag then they have Scale 1+3=4, and when that fails and you are fighting the village on the deck of your yacht each enemy character might be a battlegroup of 6 beastmen, represented as a Scale 2 Shark Man (1+1).

When applying scale to two opposing forces or individuals, compare the sides' levels and determine who is higher, and by how many levels. Before the roll they choose one of the following benefits on any rolled action against their lesser:

  • +1 per level of difference to their action before the roll
  • +2 per level of difference to the result after the roll, if the roll succeeds
  • 1 additional free invoke per level of difference to the results of a successful create advantage action, or any other roll that can lead to the creation of an aspect