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Rayne Drangar

Exalt Rayne Indus Drangar (a.k.a. The First Champion, Ray,)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rayne was born to a small family of human farmers who were forced to flee their homes during the fall. when Rayne was just 6 years old he had been forced to witness the death and horror of the Fall. this alongside his parents being slaughtered by men of the betrayer gods brought out a strong sense of right and wrong in Rayne. THIS was the other catalyst that awakened Rayne to Bahamut's light.   When Rayne was eight and still fighting for survival, he heard bahamut's voice. this voice taught him the ways of a holy warrior, teaching him and guiding him in the ways of justice. by the time he was 18 he was ready. Bahamut designated the great boon of the exalted one upon Rayne and he became the chosen one to lead bahamut's followers as champion.   Rayne ultimately felt animosity to anyone outside of the faith initially when he first took up the mantle of Bahamut's champion, but he had slowly become softer in his demeanor over time and after he had met his wife, had kids.


Rayne was a farmhand and had no formal education, as such some who were more educated looked down upon him and the more priestly types of the order denounced that a "country bumkin could never be the champion of our esteemed creator!" these words were eventually silenced after the deeds Rayne had pulled off.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rayne's first achievement was making it to the eye of bahamut without the assistance of the bridges he created or the aid of allies. Rayne made it on pure will and determination. Rayne spent upwards of a month developing and creating a catapault of wood and vine from the nearby plants, and launched himself off at the correct arc to send him careening over a mile to the other side of the abyss allegedly. No one truly knows the answer aside from Rayne, and he took his secret of crossing the pit with him to his grave.    Rayne was the founder of the Drangar Dynasty, and made his city out of the very stone that the eye was made of, chipping down the stone spires that were once a mountain into the holy city's core, and flattening out the rest with Bahamut's bestowed powers. he then created the stone bridges that cross the expanse into the rest of the world. Because of this, Rayne was known as a master mason with the intricacies that he had formed in the stonework.
Date of Birth
12th Shiver, 6 BTF
6 BTF 200 ATF 206 years old
Amber eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
olive skinned


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