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The Great Celestial Expanse

The great celestial plane is a hub plane that leads to the domains of all of the gods in the pantheon. Bahamut, the Great Creator resides here and rules over this plane as the sole controller of who enters the domains of the gods or is banished to the betrayer god's realm in the great Celestine Prison


The Great Celestial Expanse (The Expanse) is under an endless twilight that reflects upon the water mirror of a floor that the expanse's ground consists of. this vast expanse is what you see when you enter the expanse generally. there are a few key areas where the expanse changes to be more hospitable, but this is what is seen throughout most of the realm   Oglindal - The only place that has spirit residents in the celestial expanse. Oglindal is the eternal home of all of Bahamut's worshippers, and where they go to pass on. it is a beautiful city made from mirrored metals and glass. Oglindal has everything you could ever need or want, even seedy bars exist within this City if someone desires it. however, these things are just simulacrums of the real thing only to provide what is needed. In all reality the food is all the same and the people are formless blobs, but to the layman, it is paradise.   Indolam - The Judge's throne. A massive castle in the sky many miles above Oglindal, this is the seat from which Bahamut and his champions watch over Oglindal and the realm at large. it is also the hub to every other god's planes and where souls who are lost go to be judged.   The Expanse - This is what everything between the areas is called, it is home to skyborne animals, and wind/water elementals.

Localized Phenomena

on occasion, there is a storm that rolls through the various areas of the expanse, this is a dangerous occurrence because it causes the wind and water elementals to become stronger, and frenzied from their docile state.


The Celestial expanse, according to interviews and notes from Archmagus Tywin Evoxone, who made the planar shift to the celestial expanse, was formed a couple years before the fall. it seems that those who died up to 10 years before the fall had made their ways to the Expanse. However, it is unknown whether the souls of those lost before that time had been sent to the expanse as well, or were abandoned to the previous home of the gods. No one ATF knows where that could have possibly been, hopefully ancient religious texts may be uncovered someday to determine the fates of those who had been lost to time.
Alternative Name(s)
Celestial Plane, Land of the gods, World of Light
Dimensional plane
Characters in Location


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