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History of the Anwar Republic

Pre Republic

... 100 ATF

  • 15 BTF

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    The Fall of the Platinum Scale Monarchy
    Disaster / Destruction

    The great and bloody revoloution that left the Dragonborn alliance and banner tattered and splintered with differing ideals. This was the end of the Platinum Scale bloodline of dragonborn monarchs. The Platinum scale bloodline were a line that were distinct from all other dragonborn for their singular platinum scale that was naturally occurring on their skin from birth, this was their claim to kingship. The revolutionaries demanded the bloodline ended due to King Scalemorne Glintscale III's tyranical policies that ousted the chromatic scaled dragonkind as "Devil scales." This ostracizing alongside the increases in taxes for devil scales made for a next to impossible living situation for them, and consequently revolt was on the horizon...

    Additional timelines

Early Republic

101 ATF 132 ATF

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    The Splintered Era

    The beginning of the republic. the many peoples of the Anwar Republic were discordant, each with their own ideals and goals. Twas a rough time picking up the pieces after the gods had scarred the lands.

Age of Arcanist Tywin Evoxone

133 ATF 458 ATF

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    Evoxone Tower is formed by Arcanist Tywin Evoxone
    Construction beginning/end

    The great arcanist completed the 12 year construction of the great  college of magecraft. This college surrounded his magical sanctum.  Tywin created this magical study solely to share his discoveries with like minded mages who would be able to carry on his work on the off chance he passes.

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