
Herald of ???? Alpana

(human, she/her) Thin, statuesque frame standing at 5'7''. Alpana has amber eyes and dark brown hair, tied back into a ponytail. She has sharp features and smooth brown skin, that she seems to take care of well. There is also her overall appearance, which shows much effort and attention placed into it, despite her otherwise nonchalant expression. She has various golden beads and accessories braided into her hair clean, quality clothing befitting one of status and money. Even the way Alpana carries herself seems to suggest a level of confidence teetering into arrogance. Often wearing her sea-green tinted sunglasses, her expression is difficult to read at times. She seems to have high confidence in her work as an alchemist, which is one of the few topics she is willing to engage strangers in. Alpana not only views alchemy as a science, but also as an art form that one must have experience, knowledge, and talent to master. Complex potions or new ingredients light up her passion for alchemy, and some of heard that she is often willing to buy such recipes or ingredients from individuals. Official alchemist of the tournament

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alpana has amber eyes and dark brown hair, tied back into a ponytail. She has sharp features and smooth brown skin, that she seems to take care of well. There is also her overall appearance, which shows much effort and attention placed into it, despite her otherwise nonchalant expression. She has various golden beads and accessories braided into her hair clean, quality clothing befitting one of status and money. Even the way Alpana carries herself seems to suggest a level of confidence teetering into arrogance. Often wearing her sea-green tinted sunglasses, her expression is difficult to read at times.

Special abilities

Alpana was an especially talented alchemist, whose specialty lied with explosives. Even so, she has crafted many high tier potions, as seen during the crafting challenge of the tournament. She kept many of these potions on her own person, leveraging an interesting piece of equipment to utilize them. In combat, Alpana wore a device consisting of syringes, tubes, leather straps, and metal fastenings that allowed her to continually inject potions directly into her body. Since there did not appear to be any adverse side effects, Alpana is expected to have build up some sort of resistance to potions and poisons over the years. In regards to poisons, she had some that were highly exotic in nature, such as the purple worm poison which is from the territory of the Kryn Dynasty. Her explosives came in a variety of elements, with some having incredibly strange effects.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alpana has been an alchemist for much of her life, based on her stories and skill. At some point, she was recruited to join the Heralds of the New Dawn and had some goals that aligned with the organization. More than half a year ago, she took on the persona of a traveling alchemist looking to gain fame and wealth. She worked out of the Empire between its major cities, including Rexxentrum and Zadash, which caught the attention of Archmage Athesias Uludan. He hired her to be the head alchemist for his Heroes of the Coast tournament, with which Alpana saw an opportunity to complete other missions for her organization.    It appears that at some point, she began to craft arcane explosives that were distributed to the Revelry. This explosives were being used to an effective degree against the forces of the Concord, allowing the outnumbered pirates to fight more consistently against the Concord's fleets. Alchemists, like the Cantril sisters, were called in to help investigate the explosives and were able to confirm that they were the work of a master alchemist.    While at the tournament, Alpana provided many of the higher tier potions for mercenaries to purchase and use during the events. She also helped coordinate the other alchemists in crafting the many healing remedies that were used during the event to keep the mercenaries healthy. Alpana displayed a confidence, teetering on arrogance, regarding her superior alchemical skills compared to others, for example the Cantril sisters. When Invictus FISH had suspicions regarding the Heralds, Alpana acted as a key point of contact to get the party in touch with Athesias. This was all a ruse to gain their trust and learn what the officials were preparing. She continued this deception through her following meetings with the party, though she did discuss some truthful elements. It seems that she genuinely did wish to travel the world and hone her craft, though she was somewhat familiar with the poisons and potions used in the Kryn Dynasty despite her words.    Leveraging her deceptions, Alpana ambushed Marquis Vasan Atrith alongside her fellow Herald, Nyoka, after the end of the tournament. She was able to defeat the many mages, warriors, and mercenaries protecting the Marquis. However, Alpana and Nyoka were prevented from completing their task by the intervention of Invictus FISH. Alpana swore revenge against the party, but she was forced to retreat as reinforcements began to arrive. She is believed to have escaped thanks to the storm at sea.
Current Status
Dark Brown, Ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Darker Brown, Smooth
Aligned Organization


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