Children of Malice


The Children of Malice are a small, secret faction of spies and assassins in service to Lolth who hope to overthrow the Kryn Dynasty and return the drow to their previous worship. They work in secret, primarily as sleeper agents scattered throughout Xhorhas or as outlanders raiding Kryn settlements and building forces for when they strike. As a result they have no formal alliances and tend to gather information through normal interactions with the residents of the Wastes and Rosohna.

Public Agenda

The primary goal of the Children of Malice is to subjugate and dismantle the flourishing, Luxon-worshiping dark elf society in Xhorhas. They wish to raze everything the Kryn have built, crush their will, ruin the holy implements of the Luxon, and drag these broken, traitorous drow back under Lolth's influence and command. To achieve this goal, Lolth and her children know well the necessary tenets of secrecy, lies, and patience. Most of their spies are sleeper agents who wait in the shadows, quietly gaining converts while worming their way into the heart of Rosohna and awaiting the order to strike.


Following the Divergence, Lolth spent her time in the Abyss plotting to take her revenge on the dark elves who had left her control in favor of worshiping The Luxon. She slowly gathered followers from the various goblinoids and the residents of the Wastes of Xhorhas with anti-Dynasty sympathies; and with members of the Kryn Dynasty frustrated by various actions of the Dens, particularly those with xenophobic tendencies who opposed the open inclusion of Luxon followers from other races.
Founding Date
~200-250 PD
Illicit, Terrorist group
Notable Members


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