
Herald of Mercy Feravel

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Feravel appears to be an adult elven woman, though her exact age is hard to place. She has a snow white, diamond shaped mark on her forehead and piercing silver eyes. Often, Feravel wears a cold neutral expression across her face. She wears a shoulder mantle that appears to be decorated with raven feathers, over a thin elven chain breastplate and armor. Feravel wears a few earrings and an unusual ring on her hand, that looks to be dark silver in the shape of a tongue with an amethyst pressed into it.    During her transformation in battle, she undergoes several changes. Her diamond tattoo mark extends and grows over her body, face, and arms, while taking on the appearance of silver white vines. Her eyes begin to faintly glow with a silver light, as if with arcane energy. The air around her begins to match the chill of her expression as her ice magic begins to focus on her form.

Special abilities

Feravel has displayed a high level of arcane and martial capabilities in the time that Invictus Fish has witnessed her. She seemed keen in their negotiations, able to read through most simple or ordinary lies while maintaining a difficult to read countenance. Upon their arrival on the marked location on Rahar's Map, Feravel displayed the ability to cast spells like Detect Magic and a strong understanding of Arcane while examining the enchantments in place. While traversing throughout the island, Feravel was able to cast Fly on a multitude of individuals, suggesting her high level of arcana. When confronted by the island guardian Khorn, Feravel was worried but did not waver in approaching the creature for battle. Upon their return from the demiplane, the party stepped across a string, suggesting the usage of an Alarm spell from Feravel. Her senses and tracking were capable as she relatively quickly tracked down the party after they triggered her magic. In addition, the slain guardian suggested that together, Tempest and Feravel were able to slay the creature and be recovered for the most part within a day.   When invictus FISH attempted an ambush against her, Feravel displayed an unnatural reaction, suggesting that trying to get the jump on her through ordinary methods would be impossible. She leveraged a strange elven style of combat and dance that fused magic and martial skills. Feravel was fast and difficult to land a blow on due to this ability. In addition, Feravel displayed the ability to form shields of her magic, either to deflect a blow or absorb damage. Feravel had some truly powerful forms of magic under her control and was able to see throw most disguises and visual magics. Noticeably, she seemed to activate some magic with her eyes that allowed her to see through the Darkness cast by the party.    Feravel was also wielded a strange sword that is presumed to be an arcane item. It appeared to have a roughly hewn crystalline blade that refracted the light in strange ways. There was a second blade in Feravel's possession, but she did not draw in battle so its nature is unknown.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Feravel has stated that she was raised to be a weapon, which fits with her name meaning champion of blades in elven. In regards to her past history, Feravel has insinuated that she survived some tragedy that caused her to leave her homeland. After departing from there, she spent much time wandering or fighting, without any true end goal in sight. It seems that when she was found by the Heralds, she gained a purpose and goal to pursue.    Records from the Cobalt Soul described a woman matching Feravel's description in an incident in Tal'Dorei. An escaped prisoner from the Black Bastille, Arias, was tracked down by official forces until he was found in conflict with three individuals. One of them appeared to be Feravel. This trios entrapped Arias and then took him away through arcane methods.    The first time the party saw Feravel, she was seen delivering a message through the Glacial Mirror retrieved from Rahar's possessions. Feravel was working the other Herald, Tempest, to search for the Witch-King's vault. Their goal was to acquire an artifact, known as the Will of the Talon, from the vault. After some negotiations, Feravel decided that working with the party to acquire this artifact was an acceptable preposition. From there, Feravel led the expedition to the possible location of the vault. Feravel stepped in to assist the party when needed against the divine enchantments placed upon the island. Feravel, alongside Tempest, joined the party in exploring the island they had arrived upon. Arriving in the volcano, Feravel continued to let the party take the lead on the investigations. However, once the protections were triggered and the guardian, Khorn, was awoken, Feravel immediately ran out to stall the creature's advance. Both Heralds were then prevented from entering through the same portal that Invictus FISH.   Upon their exit from the Witch-King's demiplane, Invictus FISH was quickly discovered by Feravel, who began to escort them towards the ship. After some back and forth questioning, Feravel made it clear that she and her group were after the Will of the Talon and that the party could have the rest of the treasure. Her attempt to dissuade the party from deceit was met with an ambush from them. Feravel quickly utilized abilities, which seemed to be a strange form of dance or swordplay that mixed martial and arcane expertise. Quickly, the party found themselves on the losing end of the fight, and Feravel acquired the party's Bag of Holding. Stating her title as Herald of Mercy, Feravel chose to spare the party after explaining her goal. She asked that the party do not attempt to cross the Heralds again and that she would make sure they still receive a reward for their efforts.
Current Status
Piercing silver eyes
Midnight black hair in a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Smooth, pale gray skin
Aligned Organization


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