Golden Grin


Each member, known as a grinner, pledges to uphold the ideal that every individual has the power to change the world. They seek out places where hope is faint and the soul grows dim without inspiration, lifting the spirits of the downtrodden and heartening those who feel forgotten. Little is known about the Golden Grin aside from myths and rumors, and its members prefer it this way. The grinners listen for whispers and information using fabricated personas they create when they join the faction.

Public Agenda

The Golden Grin-or simply the Grin-exists to enlighten and inspire, keeping ears and eyes out for the murmurs of tyranny and cruelty and deposing those responsible through social upheaval, or occasionally direct intervention. The idea that each person is capable of great things permeates its mantras and beliefs, and the wandering storytellers of the Grin are known to pay handsomely for tales of local heroes and majestic deeds of courage to add to their repertoire of stories and songs. If the people's hearts grow cold enough to reject words and poems, the noblest of grinners will often rise to the occasion and get their hands dirty to display such an act of heroism themselves.


When the lands of Tal'Dorei were ruled by the tyrant Drassig, a hidden society of muses, storytellers, bards, and folk heroes assembled to oppose their despotic king. The Golden Grin has endured since those dark years, and it has secretly guided the just, inspired the common folk, and planted the seeds of discontent and rebellion amid tyranny ever since.   The Golden Grin arrived in Wildemount by following the trade routes from Tal'Dorei to the Menagerie Coast, where its members discovered a land plagued by warring despots. A sect of the Golden Grin has spent the past generation spreading its roots throughout the Clovis Concord. Now firmly established, the Grin has set about undermining corruption within the concord and has begun working their way into the Dwendalian Empire.

Foreign Relations

The Grin claims no formal allies, since its members never reveal themselves to others except in the direst of circumstances. They uplift and bolster other groups that work with the people's best interests at heart. Some grinners occasionally find their way into government positions, granting them a platform to disseminate the ideals behind their cause. While some may not agree with their rather anarchistic views, grinners are generally regarded as idealistic paragons of individual virtue. The Grin's mischief in Wildemount began relatively recently, so it is largely unknown and able to conduct its work unimpeded; however, those versed in historical lore might know of its deeds and read the signs of its meddling. The Golden Grin currently is seeking an alliance with the Library of the Cobalt Soul to root out the untrustworthy within the Cobalt Soul and align their interests to aid the people ofWildemount.
Information Network
Notable Members


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