Kryn Dynasty


The Kryn Dynasty rules the northern wastes of Xhorhas, and has only revealed itself to the wider world within the past century. Centered around and under the ruins of Ghor Dranas in Eastern Wynandir, the dynasty governs many townships and small villages where the Kryn have helped establish a modicum of civilized living among the nomadic wastefolk. They believe that beings not yet beyond redemption can be turned to the light of the Luxon, and often struggle with the unruly denizens of the wastes, hoping to gain converts to their cause and faith. Those that do accept the dynasty often do so because they seek protection from the dregs of the Calamity that wander the wastes, as well as the scouts of the Dwendalian Empire.   The Kryn Dynasty is a society restructured from the Lolthite history they rejected. The people of the dynasty stand under the first Umavi, known as Bright Queen Leylas Kryn. Beneath the first Umavi, there are twelve noble Dens that mark families of souls who have lived together through generations: Dens Kryn, Mirimm, Thelyss, Hythenos, Icozrin, Biylan, Tasithar, Duendalos, Daev'yana, Omrifar, Beltune, and Zolaed. When someone is believed to be experiencing anamnesis, they submit to a deep meditation with a guide trained in the ways of consecution. This process helps restore memories of the past life, which then mingle with current memories.   The awakened soul is then reunited with their Den. Dens do grow as new souls enter the consecution and join their ranks, and new Dens are established with each generation. The oldest Dens, especially those helmed by an Umavi, are held in the highest esteem, and generally answer directly to the Bright Queen. The older the soul, the more prestige it holds in the dynasty. Beneath the Dens of Rosohna, guilds and Den representatives govern the other cities of the dynasty that stretch across Xhorhas, spreading the faith of the Luxon and watching over all Xhorhasians who seek the safety of civilization.


Dark elves are the most populous race within the Kryn Dynasty. The drow were the first people to uncover the first buried Luxon beacon many ages ago, in a time before they turned from Lolth and escaped enslavement from the Betrayer Gods. The dark elves claimed the dread citadel of Ghor Dranas as their own, as well as the massive network of underground caverns that make up the Underdark of Wildemount. The Kryn are stealthily becoming a force to be reckoned with. The Kryn drow who emerged from the shadowed depths of the caverns beneath Xhorhas now endure periods of sunlight as part of their worship, though their cities are shaded by umbra! magic during daylight hours.   It is believed that the Luxon cherishes unity in community, but also values free choice and the power of the individual mind. For each soul to carve a unique path is the best way for a soul to learn about the world. Casting off the teachings of Fate and Destiny taught by some of the current pantheon, the followers of the Luxon are taught that the real power of the universe comes from the power of choice. Many possible futures all await your path, and the universe trembles with anticipatory power as you approach every decision. This power is called dunamis, the energy of potentiality, and the coalescing architecture of the multiple futures leading into each moment is released when an outcome is brought to reality. It is the energy that suffuses every Luxon beacon to prepare the lives to come, and it is the basis of the Kryn's unique divine crafts and arcane abilities.

Public Agenda

The primary objective of the Kryn Dynasty is to seek out and recover the Luxon beacons presumed to be scattered across Exandria. Not only does each beacon bring them closer to the eventual rebirth of the Luxon, they also help broaden the boundaries of the Kryn society as a new center of the consecution, allowing expansion into new lands and the continued conversion of others.   The Bright Queen and her fellow Umavi see the strength dormant in the roving beastfolk and goblinoids of Xhorhas, and have taken to teaching these nomadic peoples their ways, helping them build villages under the banner of the dynasty, and converting them to their faith. Even so, not all ruling Dens like the idea of introducing what they consider lesser creatures into the consecution, leading to tensions between the people of Rosohna and the scattered villages in the Xhorhasian wilds.


Most of the Kryn Dynasty are drow, who were brethren alongside all elves until their minds were swayed and corrupted by the The Spider Queen. Under her will, they became deceptive, cruel and violent. When the Betrayer Gods were defeated and banished during the Calamity, the drow returned to their subterranean cities to rebuild their power far from the burning light of day.   Studies into current drow society across Exandria point to growing paranoia and madness seeping in from what is believed to be the influence of Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion by proximity to remnants of his power deep beneath the surface that have grown close to these societies. Whispers and rumors point to these societies going slowly mad due to this influence. This seems to be more affecting drow of the Underdark than those of the surface.   Those able to penetrate the boundaries of the Kryn Dynasty's borders find little iconography of either The Spider Queen or Tharizdun outside of ruins that are ancient, crumbling and largely ignored by their society. The Dynasty instead worships something new known as the Luxon. Rumors told outside the Dynasty say that they seek to bring all under the Luxon's burning banner. Citizens within the Dynasty who do not worship the Luxon are not forced to do so, according to Rosohna's inhabitants.   The drow of Xhorhas rallied to the surface of Ghor Dranas, casting the skies around Rosohna into eternal midnight that spreads with their dominion. They began taking in other inhabitants of the Xhorhasian wastes, such as orcs, goblins, bugbears, and others, and many now also follow the Luxon.

Demography and Population

There are an estimated 2 million inhabitants to the lands of the Kryn Dynasty, that follow its rule. A majority are found in the various rural settlements and wandering tribes spread throughout the wastes. Many who live in settlements see the Dynasty has a sense of order and for those who brave the dangers of the wild, the Dynasty offers safety. Many groups have been folded into the rule of the Dynasty, who attempt to make the best of their tough environment.


The regular forces of the Dynasty are called the Aurora Watch, and they perform the functions of both gendarmerie and regular army. Their current established strength is at least 50,000, spread out amongst the cities under Kryn protection and the roughly 50 military installations at various places in the Underdark and on the border with the Empire. The Aurora Watch seems to consist mostly of well-armed, well-equipped, and well-trained drow. Allied and/or subject peoples of the orcish, goblinoid, gnoll and other communities seem to provide many additional supplemental forces.   Soldiers and assassins from the Kryn Dynasty wear chitinous insect-like leather armor that protrudes in large sweeping hooks at the joints and the shoulders. Additionally they wear form-fitting helmets of similar black leather that has onyx studs wrapped around the head. The brow plate of these helmets have backwards facing horns, looking almost demonic. Kryn Dynasty soldiers additionally wear metal cups as part of their uniform.


The drow of the Kryn Dynasty worship an unfamiliar deity referred to by The Cobalt Soul as "The Luxon". The drow seek to bring all of Xhorhas under its "Burning Banner". Followers of the Luxon use the phrase "Light be with you" as a farewell. Despite the Kryn's overall devotion to the Luxon, they do not force anyone to follow their religion according to Wursh the blacksmith. Though not nearly as well tended as Luxon temples, small shrines to other deities can be found in the Dynasty. The Prime Deities are often worshipped in addition to the Luxon, but with a lesser importance attached to them.

Foreign Relations

Open war has recently broken out between the Kryn Dynasty and the Dwendalian Empire-a conflict that neither nation can afford to lose. Those bearing the colors of the enemy are subdued and questioned before being punished and sometimes executed. Judgment is swift against the perceived imperial oppressors, and the forces of Rosohna will continue to push until their foes yield. Though the Kryn have remained fairly isolated throughout their history, they are now reaching out to other factions in the hopes of making alliances against the Dwendalian Empire. The Kryn Dynasty has begun hiring mercenaries through the Tribes of Shadycreek Run and purchasing dangerous weapons of war from the Myriad. Rumors of strange magics and powerful relics in northern Eiselcross have reached the dynasty's ears, and they are willing to seek out any potential advantage over their Dwendalian foes. There are many humanoid tribes that roam the southern reaches of Xhorhas that have declined to ally themselves with the Kryn-or to be assimilated by them. While the Bright Queen has allowed them to continue their neutrality for the time being, she watches them closely, lest they be courted by the empire's coin and empty promises.


Sentencing for crimes is carried out by presiding officials entrusted with the wisdom of the Bright Queen. All fines and punishments for crimes against an Aurora Watch soldier or noble are doubled. All fines and punishments regarding crimes against a Den official or member of the Bright Queen's council are tripled.   Theft: 2-5 days incarceration and a fine equal to the worth stolen. Slavery: 10-20 months incarceration and a fine of 1500 gp. Trespassing: 5 days incarceration and a fine of 120 gp. Damage to Private Property: 5-20 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed. Damage to Dynasty Property: 12-50 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed. Kidnapping: 60 days incarceration and/or fine of 800 gp. Worship of Betrayer Gods: 150 days incarceration, or execution. Assault with Intent to Injure: 12 days incarceration and a fine of 200 gp. Assault with Intent to Kill: 200 days incarceration and a fine of 1200 gp, or execution. Murder: 5-10 years incarceration and/or a fine of 4000 gp, or execution. Treason: Execution.
Founding Date
~100 PD
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Executive Body
The Kryn Dynasty is led by Empress Leylas Kryn. Power in the Dynasty is concentrated in Dens, and the three most powerful Dens (Kryn, Mirimm, and Thelyss) control access to consecution. Certain people will occasionally be adopted into Dens for consecution, indicating a familial structure of some sort.
Controlled Territories


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