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Araushnee is an aspect of Lolth, the Spider Queen. She possesses no memories of her former existence and only a fraction of her godly power. Still very powerful in her own right, Araushnee has a deep connection to both the weave of magic and life itself, finding it difficult to bring herself to inflict suffering on creatures except in the direst of circumstances.   She is the Secretarian of Acquisitions Incorporated: Team F (Exandria Division)

Divine Domains

Song, Divination

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The physical ideal of an elf

Identifying Characteristics

She has a silver mark resembling a star with the top and bottom points elongated on her back

Physical quirks

She has a preternaturally flawless posture, even if overencumbered or walking across difficult terrain

Special abilities

Wizard spells   Ritual spells of other class spells (any)   Epic spells

Apparel & Accessories

A silken dress of woven spider silk, covered in runes, it loses its magic if worn by anyone else.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Araushnee is much like her namesake before the corruption of Tharzidun, she is the lesser elven goddess of destiny and artisans that is all but forgotten by history. She was Corellon Larethian's consort, and the main goddess of the dark elves. They had twins together, the elder Vhaeraun, the younger Eilistraee.   After the birth of their children and a happy age together, their relationship soured before the War of the Seldarine drove them apart for good.   Unbeknownst to both gods, Tharzidun, the Chained Oblivion, had been planting seeds of discord within the mind of Araushnee and her son Vhaeraun. Her difference of opinion with Corellon on individualistic expression versus ever-changing abstraction led to resentment, hatred, and in time even jealousy of Corellon's other lovers (an unknown concept to the elven gods of the time).   As the corruption within her grew, her soul became darker. Her eyes became red and full of rage, and she plotted against Correllon with her children. She was betrayed by her daughter Elistraee and the goddess Sehanine Moonbow saved his life. As punishment, all were cast out, Araushnee struck one last time at her beloved and was made a true demon as penance, and sent to the 66th layer of the abyss. This chaos was a design of the Chained Oblivion, who despised the unity of the Seldarine despite their differences of opinion.

Gender Identity





Secretarian, Acquisitions Incorporated   Goddess of Destiny and Artisans (retired)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Perpetrated the war of the Seldarine

Failures & Embarrassments

Lost the war of the Seldarine

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

Idealistic, naive, head-in-the-clouds, intelligent.

Morality & Philosophy

People should choose who and what they want to be and not let others tell them different.

Personality Characteristics



Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely good with musical instruments

Likes & Dislikes

Likes fancy jewelry, magical artifacts, trees, and the sun

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient, unsure of herself in hostile situations


It appears to be impossible for Araushnee or whatever she is wearing to remain dirty for more than a few minutes


Family Ties

Corellon - Father Elistraee - Daughter Vhaeraun - Son

Social Aptitude

Given her incredible grace and beauty, she oddly seems to go unnoticed by most people unless she speaks to them.


Shy, unconfident, worried

Wealth & Financial state

She of Sight and Sounds, The Spider Queen, Queen of Spiders, Demon Queen of Spiders, Demon Queen of the Abyss, Queen of the Demonweb Pits, Weaver of Chaos, the Hunted, the Mother of Lusts, Dark Mother of All Drow, Lady of Spiders
Year of Birth
828 PD 15 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Cleaved by demonic ritual from the Demon Spider aspect of her avatar.
Near Yarter
Glowing Blue
Long, sleek, platinum
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark grey-blue
5' 5"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elvish, Sylvan, Celestial, Common


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